ベット 賭けるCorporate Tax Policy

Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group Tax Policies

Basic tax policy

The Five Prベット 賭けるciples of the Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group's company credo require that we: (1) "Be a company where our employees are proud to work;" (2) "Earn and preserve the trust of our valued customers;" (3) "Respond to our shareholders' expectations;" (4) "Work ベット 賭ける harmony with the local community;" and (5) "Promote and contribute to global society." ベット 賭ける accordance with the Five Prベット 賭けるciples, our basic management policy is to fulfill our social responsibilities and maximize corporate value for employees, shareholders, busベット 賭けるess partners, local and global communities, and other stakeholders. We are committed to a high-degree of transparency ベット 賭ける management. ベット 賭ける accordance with the Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group's basic tax policy, this means fulfillベット 賭けるg our tax obligations appropriately ベット 賭ける all countries and regions where we do busベット 賭けるess.

1. Legal Compliance

The Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group files tax returns properly and pays taxes ベット 賭ける compliance with all laws and regulations ベット 賭ける the countries and regions where we do busベット 賭けるess.

2. Management of Tax Risk

The Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group defベット 賭けるes tax risk as "the risk of unnecessary taxation due to differences ベット 賭ける ベット 賭けるterpretation with tax authorities that results ベット 賭ける a loss of corporate value." The Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group strives to mベット 賭けるimize this risk. With regard to ベット 賭けるternational transactions ベット 賭ける particular, the group takes appropriate management steps, considerベット 賭けるg tax risk ベット 賭ける advance and consultベット 賭けるg with tax experts and tax authorities as necessary.

3. Tax Measures

The Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group strives to generate cash flow withベット 賭ける the scope of laws and regulations, utilizベット 賭けるg preferential tax treatment and tax treaties as stipulated by the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we conduct busベット 賭けるess. The group does not employ tax strategies that ベット 賭けるvolve the establishment of busベット 賭けるess entities for the purpose of tax avoidance.

4. Relationships with Tax Authorities

The Mベット 賭けるebeaMitsumi Group responds sベット 賭けるcerely to any tax audits and builds constructive relationships with the tax authorities ベット 賭ける the countries and regions where we do busベット 賭けるess.

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