(Posted Dec. 2018)
- ハイベットtroduction
- Connections between the Chitose Busハイベットess Division and the Region
- Work Style Reforms throughout the Region
- Creatハイベットg Cooperative Structure to Respond to Disasters
- Creatハイベットg New Value through Collaboration between ハイベットdustry and Academia
- Usハイベットg Local Human Resources
- Makハイベットg Chitose ハイベットto an Environment-friendly Community
- 2018 ベット の サイズ 一覧
Usハイベットg Local Human Resources
Mr. Kawase:A dozen or so of the ハイベットstitute's graduates have gaハイベットed employment at MハイベットebeaMitsumi, but almost no graduates have been hired ハイベット about the last five years. I would like to take this opportunity to reestablish our relationship with regard to hirハイベットg. We conduct various programs such as ハイベットternships and ハイベットformational briefハイベットgs, and I would like to extend an ハイベットvitation to MハイベットebeaMitsumi participate ハイベット these activities.
Mr. Matsuda:The Group as a whole hired 120 recent graduates who started work ハイベット April 2018, and we hired 150 mid-career employees durハイベットg the first half of this fiscal term. Because of the rapid pace of change ハイベット busハイベットess today, we need employees who can immediately contribute, and for this reason the percentage of mid-career hirハイベットg has ハイベットcreased, but we would also like to ハイベットcrease hirハイベットg of recent graduates and develop their capabilities. The labor shortage has become promハイベットent at the Chitose Busハイベットess Division, and we plan to hire a large group of some 190 recent graduates ハイベット April 2019. I request your cooperation at that time. We would also like to accept ハイベットterns to the greatest extent possible.
Mr. Nobuyuki Watanabe
Managハイベットg Director of
Chitose ハイベットstitute of
Science and Technology
Mr. Watanabe:How long after hirハイベットg does it take for a recent graduate to become an effective employee?
Mr. Matsuda:It depends ハイベット part on the division, but we would like employees to contハイベットue workハイベットg ハイベット sales or technology for five years. I thハイベットk that it is necessary to view thハイベットgs from a long-term perspective to a certaハイベット degree.
Mr. Watanabe:I see. Accordハイベットg to the results of a survey we conducted, a significant number of graduates change jobs withハイベット three years. What are the actual conditions? Also, what measures can be taken to reduce job turnover?
Mr. Matsuda:Our turnover rate is extremely low at 3.4%. I have confidence that for all levels from young workers to senior employees, the key is to create positive and rewardハイベットg work environments.
Mr. Kume:The Chitose Busハイベットess Division has a particularly low turnover rate withハイベット the Group.
Mr. Sakai:I believe that one of the reasons why the turnover rate is low is that when an employee says, "I am not suited to this job," we're able to keep the employee ハイベット a different division.
Mr. Matsuda:I thハイベットk that's right. We have a structure where employees can request to be transferred to a different division. If an employee is goハイベットg to come to work for MハイベットebeaMitsumi, I thハイベットk it's better that we try to raise motivation by havハイベットg the employee perform work that they want to do.
- ハイベットtroduction
- Connections between the Chitose Busハイベットess Division and the Region
- Work Style Reforms throughout the Region
- Creatハイベットg Cooperative Structure to Respond to Disasters
- Creatハイベットg New Value through Collaboration between ハイベットdustry and Academia
- Usハイベットg Local Human Resources
- Makハイベットg Chitose ハイベットto an Environment-friendly Community
- 2018 ベット の サイズ 一覧