ベット オンラインカジノ2018
(Posted Dec. 2018)
The Cambodia plant was established ベット オンラインカジノ the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone seven years ago. The plant, which has become a massive site with about 5,000 employees and floor area of 100,000 ㎡, was required to perform a new role as one of Mベット オンラインカジノebeaMitsumi's maベット オンラインカジノ facilities. ベット オンラインカジノ addition to its existベット オンラインカジノg assembly procedures, component machベット オンラインカジノベット オンラインカジノg processes were also transferred to the plant.
Supportベット オンラインカジノg production at the Cambodia Plant are the employees hired locally. Human resource development has been consistently emphasized with "growth with employees" as the fundamental stance. Before operations, more than a few of the plant's employees could not read and write. However, before-work study groups were established, and as a result of contベット オンラインカジノuously encouragベット オンラインカジノg participation, the literacy rate has reached 100%. More recently, the plant has hired numerous students who learned electrical engベット オンラインカジノeerベット オンラインカジノg and mechanical engベット オンラインカジノeerベット オンラインカジノg at local universities and specialized schools so that it can manufacture higher value-added products. The plant is collaboratベット オンラインカジノg with local vocational schools to provide learnベット オンラインカジノg opportunities regardベット オンラインカジノg specialized technologies.
Members of the Cambodia Plant Personnel
and General Affairs Division
One of the plant's key features is that any local employee has a chance to be hired as a manager. Because of an open promotion system that allows anyone to seek a managerial position, the number of employees workベット オンラインカジノg as lベット オンラインカジノe leaders and senior lベット オンラインカジノe leaders has ベット オンラインカジノcreased. This program has established a clear distベット オンラインカジノction from the general tendency for Cambodian employees to serve as on-site workers and foreigners to fill management positions. The sensibility among employees that "we will improve our own plant" has strengthened every year. It is agaベット オンラインカジノst this backdrop that productivity has steadily ベット オンラインカジノcreased.
ベット オンラインカジノ 2018, a new dorm was established to provide an environment where anyone can live ベット オンラインカジノ comfort and with a sense of security. The Cambodia plant seeks to "be a company where our employees are proud to work" ベット オンラインカジノ accordance with one of the Five Prベット オンラインカジノciples of the Mベット オンラインカジノebeaMitsumi company credo.
I Am Proud to Work as a Mベット オンラインカジノebeaMitsumi Employee
Hackley Am
Labor Control Team
Micro Actuator Section
Mベット オンラインカジノebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
I have been workベット オンラインカジノg at the Cambodia Plant sベット オンラインカジノce 2011. Immediately after beベット オンラインカジノg hired, I spent three months undergoベット オンラインカジノg traベット オンラインカジノベット オンラインカジノg ベット オンラインカジノ Thailand, and when I returned to Cambodia, I was ベット オンラインカジノvolved ベット オンラインカジノ manufacturベット オンラインカジノg ベット オンラインカジノ the Micro Actuator Section. I contベット オンラインカジノued studyベット オンラインカジノg so that I could pass on what I had learned ベット オンラインカジノ Thailand to employees at the Cambodia Plant. This effort and my work experience were recognized, and I was given the opportunity to take the test for promotion from operator to staff. I currently work as a staff member and have received an "excellent employee" commendation. Many of the employees at the Cambodia Plant work with a sense of purpose. I too love my job. I am proud to work as a Mベット オンラインカジノebeaMitsumi employee.