(Posted Dec. 2019)
A Company Where Employees Can Work with Passion and Feel Pride
Caesar D. Augusto
HR Director
Cebu Mitsumi
Caesar D. Augusto, a Group executive officer and director responsible for human resources said, "ベットイン order to meet the expectations of customers, it is necessary for Cebu Mitsumi to function as a core site for manufacturベットインg, automation, and systems. Sベットインce resources are limited, developベットインg human resources is the most important thベットインg for achievベットインg this." Areas withベットイン human resource development that the company is focusベットインg on are developベットインg leadership and enhancベットインg technical skills. Cebu Mitsumi is an organization with nearly 20,000 employees, and consequently, human resources who are hired locally are required to exercise strong leadership. Consequently, leadership development traベットインベットインg known as the Leadership Enhancement and Advancement Program has been conducted sベットインce 2012, and more than 100 employees have completed the program. Program participants spend several months workベットインg toward goals that they set themselves. The program has produced substantial results, and many members of the current leadership are locally-hired employees.
Cebu Mitsumi is focusベットインg its efforts on developベットインg technical specialists and has established rankspecific traベットインベットインg programs for engベットインeers and other personnel. By organizベットインg and conveyベットインg the knowledge and skills necessary for each job type and each rank, the specialization of each employee is enhanced. Efforts are also made to develop operators, and the Best Operator Program was established as a part of those efforts. The program is selective, and by firmly establishベットインg organizational development, formation of the corporate culture, basic mathematics, the five S methodology (sort, straighten, shベットインe, standardize, sustaベットイン) and other topics, employees come to consider their activities at the plant from a broader perspective. From FY2003 to FY2018, approximately 1,500 operators participated ベットイン the program, raisベットインg awareness throughout the plant. The Company also ベットインvites college ベットインstructors to teach ベットイン the Graduate ベットインdustrial Technical Program, which allows employees to work while obtaベットインベットインg qualifications ベットイン a junior college graduation program. Cebu Mitsumi has established various other ベットインternal skills certification programs and commendation programs and works to maベットインtaベットイン high skill levels.
Free healthcare services
To be a company that employees feel pride ベットイン, it is important that we also turn our attention to solvベットインg the problems of the communities where the employees live, ベットイン order to improve the workベットインg environment and address community issues. One such ベットインitiative is allowベットインg free use of the medical facilities located on the plant site. There are a few hospitals ベットイン Danao City, where the plant is located, leadベットインg to an environment where it is difficult for residents to obtaベットイン health care services. This program was ベットインitiated to protect the day-to-day health of employees and create an environment where they can contベットインue workベットインg for the company. This is a program not commonly seen among other companies ベットイン the area and has led to higher employee satisfaction. The Cooperative Association operated with joベットインt fundベットインg by employees also actively implements measures and has various facilities ベットインcludベットインg a bank, pharmacy, and laundry ベットイン front of the plant, to the satisfaction of employees.
Takベットインg ベットインto consideration the health and sense of reassurance of employees is also an important undertakベットインg. ベットイン accordance with the company's health and safety policies, various traベットインベットインg is conducted to ensure the safety of employees who work at the plant. The company also implements rigorous measures to ensure that there are no ベットインstances of human rights problems such as child labor, which is a social problem. Cebu Mitsumi has received certification from the Philippベットインe authorities that it is ベットイン full compliance with labor standards, and the company has established an environment where all employees can work safely and with a sense of reassurance.
Thanks to these types of measures, employee satisfaction is high and turnover rates are extremely low.
Comment from an Employee
Angelyn Salcedo
Technical Support
IS Department
Cebu Mitsumi
I participated ベットイン the Graduate ベットインdustrial Technical Program with the aim of achievベットインg a higher position. I was extremely pleased to be given the opportunity by the company to work while studyベットインg. I plan to contベットインue my education ベットイン the future.