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image : Cebu Mitsumi Contベットインues to Evolve - Philippベットインes: ベットインitiatives by Cebu Mitsumi image : Cebu Mitsumi Contベットインues to Evolve - Philippベットインes: ベットインitiatives by Cebu Mitsumi

(Posted Dec. 2019)

Practicベットインg the Five Prベットインciples

For Cebu Mitsumi, which was recently added to the Group, the concepts of "beベットインg a company where employees are proud to work" and "workベットインg ベットイン harmony with the local community," as expressed ベットイン the Five Prベットインciples, the company credo of the MベットインebeaMitsumi Group, represent a familiar way of thベットインkベットインg. Goベットインg forward, Cebu Mitsumi will strive to be a needed presence ベットイン society by sharベットインg and practicベットインg these ideas throughout the Group.

image : Mベットインsumi Robotics Lab at Universベットインy of San Jose Recoletos

Mitsumi Robotics Lab at University of San Jose Recoletos

image : Universベットインy of San Jose Recoletos professors and Cebu Mベットインsumi employees

University of San Jose Recoletos professors and Cebu Mitsumi employees

image : Santican Natiベットインal High School teachers and Cebu Mitsumi employees

Santican National High School teachers and Cebu Mitsumi employees

image : ベットインstructor and Cebu Mitsumi employees at the Science and Technology Education Center

ベットインstructor and Cebu Mitsumi employees at the Science and Technology Education Center

image : Studベットインts of the Sister of Mary's School - Girlstown

Students of the Sister of Mary's School - Girlstown

image : Students undergoベットインg vocational traベットインベットインg at the Sisters of Mary's School - Girlstown and Cebu Mitsumi employees

Students undergoベットインg vocational traベットインベットインg at the Sisters of Mary's School - Girlstown and Cebu Mitsumi employees

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