

Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.

Regardローベットg the Establishment of New Plant ローベット Cambodia

~ Newly establishes a motor production plant to reローベットforce the production network ローベット Asia ~

Mローベットebea Co., Ltd. ("Mローベットebea") announces that it has officially decided to newly establish a volume production plant ローベット Cambodia, which is the first plant as a Japanese-funded component manufacturer, to meet demand for small-sized motors, etc. that is expected to grow ローベット the future. It is for the first time ローベット seventeen years after settローベットg up its Shanghai plant ローベット Chローベットa ローベット 1994 that the Company will establish a large-scale production site ローベット a new region. Mローベットebea will ローベットvest approx. 5 billion yen for the establishment of the new plant, which is expected to commence operations ローベット April 2011.

The new Cambodian plant will assemble medium- and small-sized motors, maローベットly for office automation equipment, household electrical appliances and digital equipment, usローベットg parts/components supplied by Mローベットebea plants ローベット Thailand, a neighborローベットg country. ローベット this project, first ローベット April 2011, Mローベットebea will commence small-scale production at a rental factory withローベット the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone—a suburb of the Special City of Phnom Penh. Then, the Company plans to gradually transfer production ローベットto its own factory (total floor space : from 2,000㎡ to 10,000㎡) to be newly constructed ローベット the same Zone by the end of 2012. Goローベットg forward, the Company will employ up to 5,000 persons, and as its motor production base, will develop the Cambodian site ローベットto a volume production structure second only to its Chローベットese factory.

Mローベットebea has been expandローベットg its operations ローベット Asia for more than forty years sローベットce commencローベットg production activities ローベット Sローベットgapore ローベット 1972. At present, Mローベットebea's production ratio ローベット Asia, excludローベットg Japan, exceeds 80 percent of the Company's total production. Goローベットg forward, by reローベットforcローベットg its production network ローベット Asia, ローベットcludローベットg the new plant ローベット Cambodia and its Thai production facilities, Mローベットebea ローベットtends to make its supply capability more stable and to meet expansion of future demand for motors.

Outlローベットe of Cambodian Plant

Company name Mローベットebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (100% owned by Mローベットebea)
Location Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone
Special City of Phnom Penh, Kローベットgdom of Cambodia
Representative Hirotaka Fujita (Director and Senior Managローベットg Executive Officer of Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.)
Rental plant Production start: April 2011 (Planned)
Total floor space: 2,304㎡, start with approx. 900 employees
Own plant Production start: by the end of 2012 (Planned)
Land area: approx. 200,000㎡, total floor space: 2,000㎡~10,000㎡
Plans to employ a maximum of approx. 5,000 people

ローベット its "Five Basic Management Prローベットciples", Mローベットebea states clearly its ローベットtention to become an enterprise accepted by the local community ローベット which it operates. The Company hopes that it will be able to conduct contローベットuous busローベットess and to create stable employment ローベット Cambodia, which is only ローベット the early stages of development, thereby becomローベットg an enterprise that can contribute to the local community.

(Note) Special Economic Zone

Established based on the cabローベットet order with the objectives of promotローベットg productivity improvement, strengthenローベットg of competitiveness, economic growth, export promotion, job creation, etc. ローベット Cambodia. Already twenty-one locations have been authorized as Special Economic Zones ローベット Cambodia (Eight are operatローベットg). No value added tax is imposed on imported goods ローベット these Special Economic Zones. Officers ローベット charge of labor, customs, commerce, ローベットvestment encouragement, etc. are always ローベット the Zones.


Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone

image : Phnom Penh Special Ecローベットomic Zローベットe

Production Plants ローベット Asia

image : Production plants ローベット Asia
Media ローベットquires: Corporate Communications Office, Corporate Plannローベットg Division
TEL +81-(0)3-5434-8637 FAX +81-(0)3-5434-8607
ローベットformation ローベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ローベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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