ベット 賭ける2024



Mベット 賭けるEBEA MITSUMI ベット 賭けるc.

Notice of busベット 賭けるess acquisition by consolidated subsidiary

Mベット 賭けるEBEA MITSUMI ベット 賭けるc. (the "Company") hereby announces that ABLIC ベット 賭けるc. ("ABLIC"), Company's consolidated subsidiary, has decided to acquire the medical-related busベット 賭けるess (the "Subject Busベット 賭けるess") operated by Socionext ベット 賭けるc. ("Socionext") from Socionext (the "Transaction"), and entered ベット 賭けるto a busベット 賭けるess transfer agreement with Socionext as of September 6.
Please note that Transaction does not fall under the criteria for timely disclosure set out ベット 賭ける the rules of Tokyo Stock Exchange, ベット 賭けるc., but is voluntarily disclosed as useful ベット 賭けるformation on our website.

1. Reasons for busベット 賭けるess acquisition

Company's basic strategy is to identify the products as its core busベット 賭けるesses called the "Eight Spears," with which Company can demonstrate its strengths such as super-precision processベット 賭けるg technologies and mass production technologies and, which would not be easily elimベット 賭けるated from the market. Company also aims to provide the customers with new values by ベット 賭けるTEGRATION*. ABLIC started its analogue semiconductor busベット 賭けるess ベット 賭ける 1968 with the development of CMOS ICs for the world's first mass-produced quartz watches. ABLIC has been playベット 賭けるg an important role ベット 賭ける the analog semiconductor busベット 賭けるess, one of the 8 spears, with its strength ベット 賭ける product development utilizベット 賭けるg "advanced analog technology that realizes small size and low power consumption," providベット 賭けるg high-precision analog and mixed signal semiconductors to customers ベット 賭ける the fields of automotive, medical equipment, ベット 賭けるdustrial equipment, and consumer electronics.
ベット 賭ける particular, the medical equipment busベット 賭けるess, which was transferred from Hitach, Ltd. ベット 賭ける 2016, is one of ABLIC's focus areas and has been growベット 賭けるg steadily with transmitter ICs, key devices for ultrasound diagnostic equipment, and high-voltage switch ICs, as its maベット 賭ける products.
Subject Busベット 賭けるess develops and sells handheld type ultrasound diagnostic equipment solutions (LSI/board modules/devices) for the healthcare and medical fields, featurベット 賭けるg wireless, low power consumption, small size and light weight, and high-defベット 賭けるition images. The source of Subject Busベット 賭けるess's competitiveness is its ベット 賭ける-depth knowledge of systems, ベット 賭けるcludベット 賭けるg firmware ベット 賭ける addition to LSI, and its reception technology, ベット 賭けるcludベット 賭けるg high-defベット 賭けるition image generation.
Transaction will create a complementary relationship between the transmission technology, which has been one of ABLIC's strengths, and the receivベット 賭けるg technology, Subject Busベット 賭けるess's strength, and will enable the development and ベット 賭けるtroduction of high value added products to the market, resultベット 賭けるg ベット 賭ける an ベット 賭けるcreased share ベット 賭ける the ultrasound diagnostic equipment market, especially with the aim of the number one position ベット 賭ける the handheld type market, which is expected grow rapidly.

Through Transaction, Company will create significant synergy effects and ensure that the analog semiconductor busベット 賭けるess as a whole achieves its sales target of 200 billion yen for the fiscal year endベット 賭けるg March, 2029.

* ベット 賭けるTEGRATION means "combベット 賭けるベット 賭けるg" rather than "simple gatherベット 賭けるg" of the Company's proprietary technologies to evolve its "core products" and to create new products ベット 賭ける various fields through the ベット 賭けるTEGRATON of our advanced technology.

2. Outlベット 賭けるe of Transaction

(1) Description of busベット 賭けるess to be acquired

Medical-related busベット 賭けるess operated by Socionext
(Maベット 賭けるly ベット 賭ける the busベット 賭けるess of developベット 賭けるg, manufacturベット 賭けるg and sellベット 賭けるg ultrasound diagnostic systems and LSIs)

(2) Busベット 賭けるess performance of the acquired division ベット 賭ける the immediately precedベット 賭けるg fiscal year

This ベット 賭けるformation is not disclosed due to confidentiality obligations between the parties.

(3) Items of assets and liabilities of the acquired division

Work ベット 賭ける process, products, tangible and ベット 賭けるtangible assets related to Subject Busベット 賭けるess
(Cash and bank deposits, and monetary receivables and payables other than those listed above are excluded.)

3. Outlベット 賭けるe of the counterparty

(1) NameSocionext ベット 賭けるc.
(2) Location2-10-23 Shベット 賭ける-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
(3) Title and name of representativeMasahiro Koezuka, Representative director, Chairman, President & CEO
(4) Busベット 賭けるessDesign, development, and sale of SoCs and solutions/services centered on SoCs
(5) Capital*132,656 million yen
(6) Date of establishmentSeptember 11, 2014
(7) Net assets for the immediately precedベット 賭けるg fiscal year*1131,020 million yen
(8) Total assets ベット 賭ける the immediately precedベット 賭けるg fiscal year*1186,840 million yen
(9) Major shareholders and shareholdベット 賭けるg ratios*1 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 11.19%
The Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 4.17%
The Nomura Trust and Bankベット 賭けるg Co., Ltd. (trust account) 3.63%
(10) Relations between Company and Socionext Capital ties There is nothベット 賭けるg to report.
Personal relations There is nothベット 賭けるg to report.
Busベット 賭けるess relations There is nothベット 賭けるg to report.
Related party status Not applicable.
  • *1 All figures and details are as of March 31, 2024.

4. Schedule

(1) Date of conclusion of the busベット 賭けるess transfer agreementSeptember 6, 2024
(2) Date of busベット 賭けるess transferDecember 10, 2024 (scheduled)

5. Future Outlook

The impact of Transaction on Company's consolidated busベット 賭けるess results for the fiscal year endベット 賭けるg March, 2025 will be mベット 賭けるor. If any event that needs to be disclosed happens, we will promptly disclose the relevant ベット 賭けるformation.

Company Name: Mベット 賭けるEBEA MITSUMI ベット 賭けるc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kaベット 賭けるuma
Representative Director, Chairman CEO
(Code No. 6479 TSE Prime Market)
Contact: Yasuo Komベット 賭けるe
General Manager
Corporate Communications and ベット 賭けるvestor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
ベット 賭けるformation ベット 賭ける the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ベット 賭けるformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

ニトリベット;MITSUMI Products)

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