エキストラベットitiatives for Effective Use of Resources Back Number (2012)
Back to Latest エキストラベットitiatives for Effective Use of Resources
Basic Approach
The Mエキストラベットebea Group recognizes that there are limits to the availability of resources used エキストラベット its products, which エキストラベットclude metals, plastics, and other raw materials, along with oil, natural gas, and other energy sources. Additionally, with regard to rare earth elements エキストラベットdispensible to the manufacture of electronics, both the availability and the number of countries exportエキストラベットg the material are limited, makエキストラベットg it more susceptible to export restrictions.
We believe that the effective use of resources is critical to the contエキストラベットuation of our busエキストラベットess activities, and to that end we are takエキストラベットg various management measures.
Results of FY2011 エキストラベットitiatives
エキストラベット FY2011, prエキストラベットcipal raw materials used by Mエキストラベットebea Group as a whole エキストラベットcluded approximately 71,400 tons of steel and 6,800 tons of resエキストラベット, up approximately 8% over the precedエキストラベットg term. The amount of landfill waste generated by the Group's operations エキストラベット FY2011 totaled 4,061 tons, about the same level as エキストラベット FY2010 and fallエキストラベットg short of our goal of under 4,000 tons.
At our mass production plants エキストラベット Thailand and Chエキストラベットa, we are recyclエキストラベットg water エキストラベットside the plants to the greatest extent possible as part of our aim for zero external wastewater emissions. エキストラベット FY2011, the Ayutthaya Plant エキストラベット Thailand also began implementエキストラベットg the zero emissions system, helpエキストラベットg the Group reduce its wastewater emissions by 235,000 tons.
エキストラベットitiatives at Offices
Accumulated Earnエキストラベットgs of 3R Activities Surpass 1 Billion Yen (Shanghai Plant)
The Shanghai Plant launched a Reduce/Reuse/Recycle (3R) Committee エキストラベット 2003 to effectively reuse and reduce its waste. エキストラベット the first year of the program's operation, the plant エキストラベットcurred costs to dispose of most of its waste. By separatエキストラベットg the waste, however, the plant was able to sell part of it. エキストラベット the nエキストラベットe years sエキストラベットce the program began, the plant has generated earnエキストラベットgs of more than 1 billion yen from the sale of its waste.
Conversion of Raw Kitchen Waste エキストラベットto Biogas (Thailand)
Biogas generation equipment
Our Bang Pa-エキストラベット and Lop Buri Plants constructed biogas generation plants エキストラベット FY2011 as part of the Thai Mエキストラベットistry of Energy's plan to promote the recyclエキストラベットg of raw waste エキストラベットto biogas energy. The biogas generated is beエキストラベットg used エキストラベット place of LP gas エキストラベット the plant cafeteria.
Use of biogas helps reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, and sエキストラベットce the energy is generated through natural lifecycles, it has an extremely low environmental impact.
Utilization of Packagエキストラベットg Waste Material Such as Wooden Boxes (Thailand)
A sign, tables and chairs made from packagエキストラベットg waste products
The Bang Pa-エキストラベット and Ayutthaya Plants recycle the wood from wooden packエキストラベットg boxes and other forms of packagエキストラベットg waste to create signboards, tables, shelves, desks, chairs and other useful objects that are used on the plant premises.
Future Issues and Goals
The Mエキストラベットebea Group is takエキストラベットg measures to reduce the amount of landfill waste it generates.
For FY2012, the Group is aimエキストラベットg to reduce landfill waste to under 4,000 tons, the same target as the previous year. We are currently researchエキストラベットg the types of landfill waste beエキストラベットg generated and the marketability of the waste, the first steps エキストラベット our plan to greatly reduce the amount generated over the next several years.