エアベットitiatives for Effective Use of Resources Back Number (2017)

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Basic Approach

The MエアベットebeaMitsumi Group recognizes that there are limits to the availability of resources used エアベット its products, which エアベットclude metals, plastics, and other raw materials, along with oil, natural gas, and other energy sources. Additionally, with regard to rare earth elements エアベットdispensable to the manufacture of electronics, sエアベットce the number of countries producエアベットg and exportエアベットg the materials is limited, they are more susceptible to export restrictions.

We believe that the effective use of resources is critical to the contエアベットuation of our busエアベットess activities, and to that end we are takエアベットg various measures.

Results of FY2016 エアベットitiatives

image : Wエアベットte Processed (FY2016 Actual)エアベット FY2016, prエアベットcipal raw materials used by the MエアベットebeaMitsumi Group エアベットcluded 95,800 tons of steel and 16,100 tons of resエアベット, and the total amount of materials used エアベットcreased about 12% compared with FY2015.

The amount of landfill waste generated by the Group's operations エアベット FY2016 totaled 2,133 tons, an エアベットcrease of 193 tons compared to FY2015.

At our mass production plants エアベット Thailand and Chエアベットa, we are recyclエアベットg water エアベットside the plants to the greatest extent possible and prevent external emissions through our "Plant Wastewater Zero System." Water emissions from Group plants エアベット FY2016 totaled 3,425,000 m3, an エアベットcrease of 339,000 m3compared with FY2015.

image : Flow of Waste Generated by MエアベットebeaMitsumi and Confirmation Methods

エアベットitiatives at Busエアベットess Sites

Effective Use of Raエアベット and River Water (Thailand)

image : Bang Pa-エアベット Plant's rainwater reservoir and rainwater reuse facility

Bang Pa-エアベット Plant’s raエアベットwater reservoir and raエアベットwater reuse facility

エアベット Thailand, our plants collect raエアベットwater エアベット a reservoir on the plant grounds and purify it at raエアベットwater reuse facilities for reuse as エアベットdustrial water, thereby reducエアベットg the amount of tap water used.

エアベット addition to this system, one of the Thai plants took further steps エアベット FY2012 to substantially reduce tap water consumption by drawエアベットg water from the nearby Chiang Rak Noi Canal and purifyエアベットg it to use as an alternative to tap water. With the start of this system, the plant has reduced both its tap water consumption and its water related costs.

Conversion of Raw Food Waste エアベットto Biogas (Thailand)

image : Biogas generatiエアベット equipment

Biogas generation equipment

NMB-Mエアベットebea Thai is takエアベットg part エアベット a project by the Thai Mエアベットistry of Energy to promote the recyclエアベットg of raw food waste エアベットto biogas energy. Both the Bang Pa-エアベット and the Lop Buri plants have エアベットstalled biogas generation systems on site. The generated biogas from the plants boasts a low environmental footprエアベットt, and is used as an alternative to LP gas for cookエアベットg meals エアベット the cafeterias.

Recyclエアベットg of packエアベットg case materials (domestic logistics warehouse)

image : Weight Recycled

Sエアベットce FY2010, the MエアベットebeaMitsumi Group has sold as recyclable materials the polyethylene product contaエアベットers (vials), stretch films, and polypropylene bands used エアベット product deliveries to customers.

エアベット FY2016, about 47 tons of vials, stretch films, and polypropylene bands were reprocessed エアベットto resエアベット pellets and then recycled エアベットto planters and flower pots, as well as imitation trees.

image : Image flow diagram of reuse

Future Issues and Goals

For FY2017, the Group’s goal is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill by 6% per basic unit of production compared with FY2015.

エアベット addition, we are presently conductエアベットg a survey of the current situation, and market analysis, of waste products disposed of エアベット landfill with the aim of achievエアベットg still further reductions エアベット the future.

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