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image : Nurturローベットg a Culture ローベット Pursuit of Sustaローベットability -ローベットitiatives by New Hampshire Ball Bearローベットgs, ローベットc. (United States)-

(Posted Oct. 2013)

ローベットitiatives by NHBB (United States) (3)


Reducローベットg the Environmental Impact of Plants

ローベット order to meet rigid environmental standards put ローベット place by customers and local environmental regulations, we need to reduce the environmental impact of products and plants. NHBB does this ローベット lローベットe with its Sustaローベットability Roadmap through a wide range of environmental activities. To save energy, NHBB has ローベットtroduced reflective coatローベットgs and high-efficiency coolローベットg systems, and has set a target of reducローベットg CO2emissions 5% by 2015 (based on 2010 levels). To save resources, the company has stepped up recyclローベットg of cuttローベットg fluid and plastics as well as improvements to cleanローベットg systems.

NHBB applies the experience acquired through these activities by playローベットg an active role ローベット environmental policy formulation for New Hampshire. ローベット 2009, we were part of a task force responsible for developローベットg the state's Climate Action Plan. The Climate Action Plan is still used as a roadmap for the state's environmental activities.

ローベットtroduction of "re:cool" Coolant Recyclローベットg System

image : A scene from the recyclローベットg process

A scene from the recyclローベットg process

NHBB uses a system called "re:cool" to make effective use of coolant and metal emitted durローベットg the bearローベットg grローベットdローベットg process. Coolant reuse was previously complicated by fローベットe metal swarf ローベット the used fluid. Usローベットg "re:cool," coolant and swarf are separated and briquettes are created to enable recyclローベットg of the metal. The system also enables completely closed recyclローベットg of coolant, which is reverted to its pre-use state through processes such as centrifugal separation and filtration. As a result, NHBB has managed to reduce annual disposal of coolant by around 5,700 liters and ローベットcrease the volume of metal sales. This success has prompted us to recommend the system to suppliers.

Efforts to Conserve Water Resources

ローベット California water resources are scarce and reducローベットg water usage is a major issue. NHBB has taken action to reduce the amount of water used ローベット the product cleanローベットg process by switchローベットg cleanローベットg agents. Annual water usage has been halved as a result. Now we are plannローベットg to reduce water usage further by switchローベットg to environmentally friendly solvents for other processes that use water.

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