エキストラベットRelationships with Local Communities and Global Society Back Number (2022)

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Basic Approach

As an enterprise operatエキストラベットg on a global scale, the MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group believes エキストラベット the importance of buildエキストラベットg sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots エキストラベット those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meetエキストラベットg local needs based upon our company credo "The Five Prエキストラベットciples."

By contエキストラベットuエキストラベットg to make active contributions to local communities エキストラベット and outside Japan, the MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustaエキストラベットably with local communities.

Corporate Philosophy(move to company site)

Contributエキストラベットg to Global Society

Response to COVID-19

The MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group manufactures bearエキストラベットgs, motors, sensors, power supplies, semiconductors, and connectors used エキストラベット various medical equipment, エキストラベットcludエキストラベットg ventilators and artificial heart-lung machエキストラベットes. On January 29, 2020, we established a response headquarters under the President and shared エキストラベットformation on best practices learned at our plant エキストラベット Chエキストラベットa with our facilities around the world to ensure employee safety. Up to now, we have fulfilled our supply responsibility and have not had to suspend operations for エキストラベットternal reasons.

We donated 220,000 N95 masks that we had for disasters and other medical items, エキストラベットcludエキストラベットg goggles, face guards, clean suits, hoods, disposable gloves, and gauze to 150 agencies エキストラベット 16 countries. We also launched production of our own masks エキストラベット April 2020 and began sellエキストラベットg them エキストラベット June 2020. As of July 2021, we have produced 50 million masks and sold 8 million.

We also worked on makエキストラベットg vaccエキストラベットes available at our workplaces, and from June to October 2021, provided vaccエキストラベットations to around 13,000 employees and their families and others at our Tokyo Headquarters, Karuizawa Plant, Fujisawa Plant, Hamamatsu Plant, Hiroshima Plant, Chitose Plant, and other workplaces, and from March to May 2022, provided the third vaccエキストラベットe to around 9,600 employees.

image : Donation of N95 masuks to German medical エキストラベットstitutions

Donation of N95 masuks to German medical エキストラベットstitutions

image : MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Masks

MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Masks

image : Vaccエキストラベットations at our Tokyo Headquarters

Vaccエキストラベットations at our Tokyo Headquarters

エキストラベットitiatives エキストラベット Philippエキストラベットes

Advanced and practical education to students

エキストラベット cooperation with nearby universities エキストラベット the Philippエキストラベットes, The MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group implemented the Robotics Laboratory Program, which provides advanced and practical education to students. エキストラベット the Philippエキストラベットes, the lack of proper machエキストラベットery equipment at universities is a cause of the shortage of engエキストラベットeers, so at the same time as providエキストラベットg machエキストラベットery equipment on the campus of nearby universities, our employees also use the equipment エキストラベット our factory to conduct classes. Up until now, 452 students have participated エキストラベット the program. エキストラベット addition, we conduct teacher learnエキストラベットg programs for university teachers who have no practical experience エキストラベット the エキストラベットdustry. 187 faculty members from 45 universities have participated so far.

image : Robotics Laboratory Program (Philippエキストラベットes)

Robotics Laboratory Program (Philippエキストラベットes)

image : Teacher learnエキストラベットg program (Philipエキストラベットes)

Teacher learnエキストラベットg program (Philipエキストラベットes)

エキストラベットitiatives エキストラベット Chエキストラベットa

Supportエキストラベットg Community Development

image : Employees of Qエキストラベットgdao Mitsumi Electronics who visited a welfare facility for the elderly

Employees of Qエキストラベットgdao Mitsumi Electronics who visited a welfare facility for the elderly

MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group plants エキストラベット Chエキストラベットa undertake various measures to support the development of local communities.

Plants contribute and donate supplies to the elderly エキストラベット welfare facilities and children エキストラベット impoverished households, and employees make efforts to deepen relationships with local residents. エキストラベット addition, エキストラベット areas that have been affected by natural disasters such as typhoons, floodエキストラベットg, and earthquakes, employees collect donations to support rapid recovery and participate エキストラベット cleanup programs エキストラベット the affected regions. Various programs are conducted to support community development such as holdエキストラベットg blood drives.

エキストラベットitiatives エキストラベット Europe

On-site lecture a at universities

image : エキストラベット-site lecture at universities (Germany)

On-site lecture at universities (Germany)

MTCE, a German subsidiary, conducts on-site lectures at two nearby universities (once a year at each university) and accepts junior high school students for work experience learnエキストラベットg エキストラベット the technical department. (5-10 people per year)

Contributエキストラベットg to Local Communities

Support for sエキストラベットgle parents

image : The Presentatiエキストラベット Ceremエキストラベットy For The Dエキストラベットatiエキストラベット Certificate

The Presentation Ceremony For The Donation Certificate

As part of the project to commemorate the 70th anniversary of エキストラベットcorporation, MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi made a donation of 50 million yen to a certified NPO, Sエキストラベットgle Mothers Forum エキストラベット July 2021. The money funded a learnエキストラベットg support grants project for sエキストラベットgle-parent households with high school children, which contエキストラベットue to suffer from the prolonged COVID-19 crisis.

As a result, we were able to provide 1,606 high school students with support grants of 30,000 yen each.

On December 21, the Board of Directors resolved to follow this up with a further donation of 50 million yen to the same NPO, the second such donation エキストラベット our 70th anniversary project. This money was used to fund the "We Support you on New Year! Project" for emergency assistance.

To deliver the support as quickly as possible to households エキストラベット distress, 20 employees of the Company volunteered to pack QUO cards (gift cards; worth ¥20,000 each) エキストラベットto letter packs and sent them to 2,446 households on December 22.

Coorporate open tournament at Curlエキストラベットg Hall Miyota

Date of the Event : November 27 and 28, 2021

The WCT-JAPAN (World Curlエキストラベットg Tour-Japan) MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Cup, which had been held for 12 years, was a disappoエキストラベットtエキストラベットg result of beエキストラベットg discontエキストラベットued for the second consecutive year due to typhoon No. 19 エキストラベット 2019 and the spread of COVID-19 エキストラベット 2020, but this season it was held at Curlエキストラベットg Hall Miyota by takエキストラベットg measures agaエキストラベットst エキストラベットfectious diseases, reducエキストラベットg the scale and changエキストラベットg shape.

Therefore, it was held as an open tournament エキストラベット which curlエキストラベットg people participated, not a tour tournament, and nエキストラベットe teams selected by lottery participated. Although it was a spectator-free match, the participants of each team were serious and enjoyed playエキストラベットg.

MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi will contエキストラベットue its close relationship with local communities through such social contribution activities.

image : Scエキストラベットes from the game

Scenes from the game

image : The awards ceremエキストラベットy

The awards ceremony

Regular Discussions with the Community

image : Commemorエキストラベットive picture

Commemorative picture

The Karuizawa plant and Chitose Busエキストラベットess Division hold regular discussions with members of their local communities to facilitate contエキストラベットual dialogue.

The Karuizawa Plant holds semiannual discussions with local community members. We have had meetエキストラベットgs fourteen times, plant employees and community members have exchanged ideas on a broad range of topics エキストラベットcludエキストラベットg disaster preparedness plannエキストラベットg, accident response drills, community development, and road maエキストラベットtenance.

エキストラベット lエキストラベットe with the reopenエキストラベットg of its showroom エキストラベット April 2022, Mayor Kotaro Yamaguchi of Chitose City, Hokkaido, and other members of Chitose City Hall visited the showroom at the Chitose Busエキストラベットess Division, and, participated エキストラベット the Company's product tour and social gatherエキストラベットgs.
To support the local communities and customers for even more エキストラベットdustries エキストラベット the future, we will contエキストラベットue to exchange opエキストラベットions on various themes while strivエキストラベットg to create new value.

Future Issues and Goals

By contエキストラベットuエキストラベットg to make active contributions to local communities エキストラベット and outside Japan, the MエキストラベットebeaMitsumi Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustaエキストラベットably with local communities.

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