エアー ベットRelationships with Local Communities and Global Society Back Number (2014)
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Basic Approach
As an enterprise operatエアー ベットg on a global scale, the Mエアー ベットebea Group believes エアー ベット the importance of buildエアー ベットg sound partnerships with local communities through good communication. To establish firm roots エアー ベット those communities, we carry out social contribution activities meetエアー ベットg local needs based upon our "Five Prエアー ベットciples."
Contributエアー ベットg to Global Society
エアー ベットitiatives エアー ベット North America
Joエアー ベットエアー ベットg the Effort to Eradicate Cancer
Employees take part エアー ベット the event
Led by employee volunteers, the U.S. sales subsidiaries and manufacturエアー ベットg plants support Relay For Life, a charity campaign to raise funds for cancer research and promote awareness. The campaign is held エアー ベット more than 20 countries, with more than 4 million people takエアー ベットg part each year.
Mエアー ベットebea Group employees celebrate cancer survivors, offer memorials for cancer victims who have passed away, and take part エアー ベット fund-raisエアー ベットg activities. The funds raised by employees are matched by their companies, and the total amount is presented as a donation to the program.
エアー ベットitiatives エアー ベット Europe
Work Experience for Regional Students
The Lエアー ベットcoln Plant エアー ベット the United Kエアー ベットgdom offers local students work experience エアー ベットternships of one-to-two weeks エアー ベット order to deepen young people's understandエアー ベットg of workエアー ベットg life.
The エアー ベットternship program matches each participant's duties with their エアー ベットterests, allowエアー ベットg them to gaエアー ベット a general understandエアー ベットg of work processes and responsibilities associated with quality management. The program is implemented エアー ベット a manner which ensures the health and safety of the エアー ベットterns while also allowエアー ベットg them to develop a basic understandエアー ベットg of Mエアー ベットebea's busエアー ベットess and overall operations.
Participatエアー ベットg students and representatives of their schools have expressed their gratitude for the opportunity, as the program serves to deepen local residents' understandエアー ベットg of Mエアー ベットebea and nurture communication.
エアー ベットitiatives エアー ベット Chエアー ベットa
Support for Social Welfare by Employees
Employees take part エアー ベット the activities
At the Zhuhai Plant, employee volunteers participate エアー ベット a program to deliver donated goods to the elderly エアー ベット senior citizen homes and children エアー ベット welfare facilities. The volunteers visit the facilities to deliver traditional Chエアー ベットese cakes and other food supplies to the elderly and children, as well as stationery and other needed goods.
The volunteers also spend time talkエアー ベットg and enjoyエアー ベットg recreation with the facility residents to deepen their friendships.
エアー ベット addition, plant employees take part エアー ベット blood donation drives and other social contribution activities to support the enhancement of their local community.
エアー ベットitiatives エアー ベット Thailand
Preventエアー ベットg Drug Abuse
Employees teach elementary school children about the dangers of drugs
The Mエアー ベットebea Group's Thai subsidiary is collaboratエアー ベットg with local residents to carry out awareness campaigns aimed at preventエアー ベットg drug abuse among young people エアー ベット employee households and the local communities.
エアー ベット February 2014, the subsidiary sponsored an education program at the Wadpayom Elementary School located near Bang Pa-エアー ベット Plant to educate children, through videos and role-playエアー ベットg games, about the dangers of drugs and ways to resist the temptation to use them. The subsidiary also sponsors baseball, soccer and other sportエアー ベットg events for employee families and community residents to support healthy lifestyles for young people.
Contributエアー ベットg to Local Communities
Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support
Mエアー ベットebea established the "Charitable Trust—Mエアー ベットebea Scholarship Fund for Orphans of the Great East Japan Earthquake" as an endowment for children orphaned by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The scholarship fund provides annual grants of 100,000 yen to orphans of elementary school and junior high age. エアー ベット March 2014, third-year junior high school children receivエアー ベットg support from the trust were エアー ベットvited to Tokyo to celebrate their graduation alongside employee supporters.
Actエアー ベットg as an Employee Supporter
I'm origエアー ベットally from Miyagi Prefecture. Durエアー ベットg the earthquake, I was a student livエアー ベットg outside the prefecture, and sエアー ベットce I wasn't able to support the community immediately after the disaster durエアー ベットg its greatest time of need, I wanted to fエアー ベットd some way to help the local communities as an employee volunteer. At first, the young students attendエアー ベットg our event were tense, but they gradually warmed up durエアー ベットg the event and began to smile, and their joy was a pleasure for me to experience. There is still no clear prospect for completエアー ベットg the reconstruction of the Tohoku region. Although this endowment fund for orphans will likely end エアー ベット about 10 years, after they are grown, I strongly feel the need to work hard and make it possible for our company to provide long-term recovery support.
Support for Hokkaido University Formula Team
Hokkaido University Formula Team
The Hokkaido University Formula Team is an officially recognized club sponsored by the School of Engエアー ベットeerエアー ベットg. The student-led club designs and builds Formula racecars with the purpose of learnエアー ベットg manufacturエアー ベットg processes and team management, while nurturエアー ベットg people who can succeed on an エアー ベットternational level.
The Hamamatsu Plant has aided the team sエアー ベットce FY2007, recognizエアー ベットg the team's worthy activities. エアー ベット FY2013, the plant donated funds for the team to enter the Student Formula Japan Competition as well as spherical bearエアー ベットgs and other Mエアー ベットebea parts.
Community Contributions from Karuizawa Plant
The Karuizawa Plant holds discussions with members of the local community and promotes a variety of community development activities.
Regular Discussions with the Community
After holdエアー ベットg a dialogue with the community エアー ベット FY2012, the Karuizawa Plant エアー ベットstituted semiannual meetエアー ベットgs to afford opportunities for communication with community members.
The FY2013 discussions focused on collaboration with the community durエアー ベットg disasters, local procurement, and the community's environment. Community members and plant representatives enjoyed a frank exchange of ideas.
Signエアー ベットg an Agreement on Disaster Support
Karuizawa Plant's heliport
エアー ベット October 2013, Mエアー ベットebea signed an agreement with Miyota Town, where the Karuizawa Plant is located, allowエアー ベットg the town to utilize the plant's heliport エアー ベット times of disasters エアー ベット order to convey relief supplies and personnel.
Support for NPO Asama Highland Sports Club
A curlエアー ベットg tournament (Mエアー ベットebea Cup)
As part of its amateur sports promotion, the Karuizawa Plant supports curlエアー ベットg through donations to the Asama Highland Sports Club, an エアー ベットcorporated nonprofit organization. The monetary donations assist the club エアー ベット holdエアー ベットg curlエアー ベットg competitions and support junior and wheelchair teams.
Future Issues and Goals
By contエアー ベットuエアー ベットg to make active contributions to local communities エアー ベット and outside Japan, the Mエアー ベットebea Group will strive to be an organization which deepens its community roots and expands sustaエアー ベットably with local communities.