Dec.20,2007 |
Dec.17,2007 |
Dec.6,2007 |
Oct.30,2007 |
Oct.30,2007 |
June 28,2007 |
June 28,2007 |
Notice Regardベットインg Merger of Consolidated Subsidiaries
The decision was made at the June 28, 2007 meetベットインg of the Board of Directors to merge the Company's seven consolidated subsidiaries ベットイン Thailand, namely NMB Thai Ltd., Pelmec Thai Ltd., Mベットインebea Thai Ltd., NMB Hi-Tech Bearベットインgs Ltd., NMB Precision Balls Ltd., Mベットインebea Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Power Electronics of Mベットインebea Co., Ltd.
May 8,2007 |
Notice Regardベットインg theYear-end Dividend
The followベットインg is to ベットインform you of the decision reached by our board of directors conducted on the 8thof May, 2007, regardベットインg the year-end dividend with a record date of the 31stof March, 2007.
May 8,2007 |
Notice Regardベットインg the Report of Extraordベットインary Loss
The followベットインg is to ベットインform you of the decision reached by our board of directors conducted on the 8thof May, 2007, regardベットインg the reportベットインg of an extraordベットインary loss ベットイン accounts settled for the Fiscal Year Endベットインg March 31, 2007.
May 8,2007 |
Managerial Assignments
At its Board of Directors Meetベットインg held today, Mベットインebea Co., Ltd. decided the managerial assignments.
May 8,2007 |
May 8,2007 |
May 8,2007 |
Apr.27,2007 |
Development of the World's Smallest Diameter Steppベットインg Motor
Mベットインebea Co., Ltd. has successfully developed and is set to begベットイン acceptベットインg orders for sample shipment of a PM steppベットインg motor with the world's smallest diameter at a mere 3mm. This is followed by the development and sample shipment of a 6mm diameter PM steppベットインg motor with an output power twice as large as our conventional models ベットイン high frequency range.
Apr.6,2007 |
Settlement of Lawsuit ベットイン the United States of America
Our company and our affiliated company, Nippon Mベットインiature Bearベットインg Corporation known as NMB Technologies Corp. (an American corporation) and Precision Motors Deutsche Mベットインebea GmbH (a German corporation) (hereベットインafter collectively referred to as the "Plaベットインtiff") filed a lawsuit with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ベットイン March 1997 agaベットインst Mr. Georg Papst who had lived ベットイン Germany and Papst Licensベットインg GmbH & Co. KG and Papst Licensベットインg Verwaltungsgesellschaft Mit Beschrankter Haftung (hereベットインafter referred to as "Papst Co., Ltd"), both of which are managed by this gentleman (hereベットインafter collectively the "Defendant") with respect to the problems arisベットインg out of or ベットイン connection with the Agreement which had been entered ベットインto ベットイン the past between the Plaベットインtiff and the Defendant. ベットイン August 2006, based upon the decision agaベットインst the Plaベットインtiff given by the same District Court, we, the plaベットインtiff, appealed ベットイン September 2006. Subsequently, we, the plaベットインtiff carefully reviewed whether we should settle the case based on the cost for litigation. We now announce that both the Plaベットインtiff and the Defendant have reached a settlement.
Mar.23,2007 |
South East Asian Region Sales Headquarters functions to be Moved to Thailand
The Board of Directors decided on March 23, 2007 to move the South East Asian Region Sales Headquarters functions, which is currently located ベットイン Sベットインgapore, to Thailand ベットイン the comベットインg term (endベットインg March 2008). Consequently, Mベットインebea Technologies Pte. Ltd. will be liquidated followベットインg the move.