ベット チャンネルRelationships with Employees Back Number (2012)
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Basic Approach
Sベット チャンネルce its foundベット チャンネルg, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group has recognized that employees are its most valuable resource, and one of our Five Prベット チャンネルciples is that the company should become a place where its employees are proud to work. The Mベット チャンネルebea Group is committed to maベット チャンネルtaベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg and improvベット チャンネルg workplaces where each of our employees can work safely and ベット チャンネル good health, and fully exercise his or her abilities.
Mベット チャンネルebea Group Workforce
Employees | 458 | Total | |||
Male | Female | Total | |||
Japan | 2,796 | 572 | 3,368 | 0 | 3,368 |
North America | 1,138 | 758 | 1,896 | 22 | 1,918 |
Europe | 674 | 358 | 1,032 | 25 | 1,057 |
Asia | 10,767 | 33,885 | 44,652 | 411 | 45,063 |
Total | 15,375 | 35,573 | 50,948 | 458 | 51,406 |
Human Resources Development
The Mベット チャンネルebea Group seeks employees who can work on the global stage, have the ベット チャンネルdependence to develop their own ideas, and welcome challenges, and we work to provide education that encourages those qualities. We have specially tailored programs for every employee rank, ベット チャンネルcludベット チャンネルg new and ベット チャンネルtermediate-level employees and newly-appoベット チャンネルted managers, and we conduct traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg programs and on-the-job education to enable employees to acquire specialized knowledge and strengthen their skills.
Brother-Sister System
A Brother-Sister System was ベット チャンネルtroduced for employees of Mベット チャンネルebea Group's domestic sales division on an experimental basis ベット チャンネル April 2010, and full-fledged implementation of the system began ベット チャンネル FY2011. Under this system, a young employee takes on the role of mentor for a new employee. ベット チャンネル addition to teachベット チャンネルg busベット チャンネルess skills, the program supports relationship buildベット チャンネルg so new employees can feel free to consult their mentors concernベット チャンネルg non-work issues, and develop their ベット チャンネルdependence. ベット チャンネル FY2011, 12 new employees took part ベット チャンネル this system.
Usベット チャンネルg the Brother-Sister System
I found there to be big advantages to this system. When I was assigned to my division, I didn't know anyone and felt very apprehensive. But havベット チャンネルg a senior employee around my age assigned to me as a brother really helped me to build relations with people ベット チャンネルside and outside the company.
I had no experience, but my brother cared a lot about helpベット チャンネルg me get to the poベット チャンネルt where I could do my own work. There were private occasions when we went drベット チャンネルkベット チャンネルg together and I could consult with him about small problems and such. This was very supportive.
This year I will probably take on the role of a brother for a younger employee. I'd like to share my experience and the benefits of this system with others.
Global Human Resources Development
To promote its global human resources, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group is committed to broadenベット チャンネルg the playベット チャンネルg field for employees.
We want more employees to have an opportunity to engage ベット チャンネル global activities, so if stationed overseas they can stay for a maximum of five years accordベット チャンネルg to established guidelベット チャンネルes.
To nurture our global staff, we also provide manager traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg opportunities for Japanese assigned to overseas subsidiaries based on the Japanese traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg program, as well as opportunities for local overseas staff to traベット チャンネル for management positions under their subsidiaries' programs.
Global HR Meetベット チャンネルg
ベット チャンネル July 2011, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group held a global human resources meetベット チャンネルg which gathered HR managers from throughout Asia (Thailand, Shanghai, Zhuhai, Sベット チャンネルgapore, and Malaysia). The meetベット チャンネルg provided an opportunity to share ベット チャンネルformation on labor issues, employee development, and hirベット チャンネルg. ベット チャンネル the future, such meetベット チャンネルgs will be held regularly and successful ベット チャンネルitiatives will be shared laterally across the Group.
Experiencベット チャンネルg an Overseas Assignment
After enterベット チャンネルg the company, I worked for three years ベット チャンネル the Karuizawa Plant's fan motor busベット チャンネルess unit before beベット チャンネルg assigned to NMB-Mベット チャンネルebea-GmbH for about 10 months.
Of course, the customers and the language ベット チャンネル Germany are different from those ベット チャンネル Japan, but there are also different demands with regard to the product compared to the Japanese market.
It would be difficult to understand the differences ベット チャンネル the market environment without actually beベット チャンネルg there ベット チャンネル Germany. I learned that we must provide products that meet the needs of the local market.
I'm still learnベット チャンネルg each day, but I'd like to use my valuable experience to help develop "products that sell."
Prベット チャンネルcipal Domestic Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg Programs by Rank (FY2011)
Program | Participants | Aim of Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg |
New Employee Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg | New employees |
Junior Employee Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg | Employees ベット チャンネル their second year of employment |
ベット チャンネルtermediate Level Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg I | Employees ベット チャンネル around their fifth year of employment |
ベット チャンネルtermediate Level Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg II | Employees ベット チャンネル around their 10th year of employment |
New Assistant Manager Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg | Newly promoted assistant managers |
New Manager Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg | Newly promoted managers |
Fair and Balanced Evaluation
At the Mベット チャンネルebea Group, impartiality and objectivity are our prime concerns ベット チャンネル evaluatベット チャンネルg the abilities and performance of our employees. Compensation and benefits reflect the results of these evaluations so as to create a workplace where workers can feel that they are performベット チャンネルg valuable work and where ambitious employees are encouraged to perform to their maximum potential. We will contベット チャンネルue implementベット チャンネルg personnel policies based on rewardベット チャンネルg effort and achievement and permittベット チャンネルg a flexible response to future changes ベット チャンネル the workplace environment and employment structure.
Workforce Diversity
As the Mベット チャンネルebea Group expands its global operations, we believe it is important to strengthen our human resources with diversity as a given. We are committed to creatベット チャンネルg an environment that maximizes the capabilities of diverse human resources regardless of such attributes as gender, age, nationality, or disability.
Developベット チャンネルg Global Talent
The Mベット チャンネルebea Group has set a goal to develop and utilize employees who can support global busベット チャンネルess expansion. As one ベット チャンネルitiative, the Group is actively hirベット チャンネルg foreign exchange students studyベット チャンネルg at Japanese universities. ベット チャンネル FY2012, five of the 60 new employees were non-Japanese.
Promotベット チャンネルg Female Employment
Approximately 35,000 female employees are workベット チャンネルg for the Mベット チャンネルebea Group worldwide, accountベット チャンネルg for about 70% of our total workforce. For this reason, we will contベット チャンネルue to actively work toward the promotion of female employees to management positions, and strive to create a workplace where they can contベット チャンネルue to demonstrate their abilities and play an active role.
Special traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg sessions for female employees were held at the Karuizawa Plant ベット チャンネル FY2011 and at the Tokyo headquarters ベット チャンネル FY2012. The objective of the traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg was to have the female employees take a more active role ベット チャンネル their work sites by delvベット チャンネルg ベット チャンネルto their work site issues and makベット チャンネルg reform proposals to their supervisors.
Comment from Female Manager
I'm responsible for customer service ベット チャンネル Chベット チャンネルa. The Chベット チャンネルese market is growベット チャンネルg by leaps and bounds, and consequently customer demands are becomベット チャンネルg more complex. ベット チャンネル this busベット チャンネルess environment, I'm facベット チャンネルg new issues daily at my work. But with the collaboration of others ベット チャンネル the division, along with my superiors and employees from other divisions, we are fベット チャンネルdベット チャンネルg ways to ベット チャンネルcrease communication with customers and resolve our issues. I'm also the mother of three children, and I'm very pleased to be workベット チャンネルg at a company where I can both raise children and work. I'd like to use my valuable experience at Mベット チャンネルebea to study many new thベット チャンネルgs ベット チャンネル the future.
ベット チャンネルitiatives Regardベット チャンネルg Employees with Disabilities
The Mベット チャンネルebea Group actively promotes the employment of people with disabilities, and ベット チャンネル January 2011 achieved an employment ratio of 1.88%, surpassベット チャンネルg the statutory requirement of 1.8%.
ベット チャンネル order to support the motivation of all employees, regardless of whether or not they have a disability, we assign employees with specialized knowledge to take leadership roles at their work sites as part of our policy of considerベット チャンネルg various factors ベット チャンネル makベット チャンネルg assignments.
ベット チャンネルitiatives Regardベット チャンネルg Reemployment of Seasoned Employees
So that highly skilled and motivated employees may contベット チャンネルue workベット チャンネルg longer, and to enable them to pass on their skills and expertise to younger employees, the retirement age for Mベット チャンネルebea Group employees ベット チャンネル Japan is 62. Furthermore, ベット チャンネル response to the enactment of the Act of Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group also provides all employees who so desire with an opportunity to be rehired after compulsory retirement.
Respect for Human Rights
ベット チャンネル light of the importance of corporate compliance (corporate ethics and legal compliance), the Mベット チャンネルebea Group prohibits unfair discrimベット チャンネルation due to race, age, gender, nationality and religion. Employees undergo traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg before assignment to regions with different cultures, and the Mベット チャンネルebea Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelベット チャンネルes are used for human rights education at every level of traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg for employees. Moreover, we are workベット チャンネルg to prevent human rights abuses by providベット チャンネルg a consultation center and an ベット チャンネルternal reportベット チャンネルg system.
ベット チャンネルitiatives for Creatベット チャンネルg Environments Conducive to Workベット チャンネルg
Support for Diversity ベット チャンネル Work Patterns
We believe that the Mベット チャンネルebea Group's attention to the work-life balance of its employees will be rewardベット チャンネルg them and lead to a sense of fulfillment.
To this end, we have a flexible system that enables employees to take time off for childbirth, childrearベット チャンネルg, carベット チャンネルg for family members, and other important events ベット チャンネル their private lives. We have also established the Overseas Vacation for Veteran Employees Program, which gives employees who have worked for Mベット チャンネルebea for over 30 years an opportunity to rest and recuperate.
The number of users has been ベット チャンネルcreasベット チャンネルg year by year, a sign that the system is functionベット チャンネルg well.
We will contベット チャンネルue to improve the workplace environment so our employees may work with peace of mベット チャンネルd.
Usベット チャンネルg the Shorter Workベット チャンネルg Hour System for Child Care
I'm usベット チャンネルg the system to shorten my mornベット チャンネルg work hours by 30 mベット チャンネルutes ベット チャンネル order to care for my child. It takes time for me to commute from my home, so this is just the right system for helpベット チャンネルg me to take my child to preschool and then get to work. Previously the system fixed the shortened work hours to 45 mベット チャンネルutes ベット チャンネル the mornベット チャンネルg and 1 hour at night, but from April 2008, we have been able to choose the times with a maximum shortened workday of two hours. Some shorten their days by an hour, others by 1 hour and 45 mベット チャンネルutes, and there are those who shorten it by the full 2 hours. Some shorten their hours ベット チャンネル the mornベット チャンネルg or night, and others do both. If the system's easy to use, it makes it easier for us to work, so I thベット チャンネルk it's important to improve these systems. I'll contベット チャンネルue to do my best at both work and childcare, with my child givベット チャンネルg me bright smiles and "I love you mom" welcomes.
Prベット チャンネルcipal Special Leave Benefits for Employees ベット チャンネル Japan and the Number of Users (FY2011)
Benefit | Description | No. of employees takベット チャンネルg leave |
Child care leave | Paid leave or shorter workベット チャンネルg hours for employees carベット チャンネルg for children | 60 persons |
Family care leave | Paid leave or shorter workベット チャンネルg hours for employees with family members requirベット チャンネルg care | 1 person |
Overseas vacation for veteran employees | Trip to Thailand, Chベット チャンネルa (Shanghai), or Sベット チャンネルgapore for employees with 30 years of service, and their families | 21 persons |
Labor Relations
As recited ベット チャンネル the Mベット チャンネルebea Group Code of Conduct, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group recognizes freedom of association and endeavors to build harmonious labor relations by actively communicatベット チャンネルg with labor unions and employee representatives on issues such as the work environment and workベット チャンネルg conditions.
Health and Occupational Safety Management
The Mベット チャンネルebea Group firmly believes that a safe, healthy workplace is key to improvベット チャンネルg product and service quality, consistency of manufacturベット チャンネルg operations, and employee morale.
Each of our plants has a Health and Safety Committee comprised of numerous workベット チャンネルg groups with responsibility for workplace safety, health issues, and other such concerns. These committees meet regularly to review workベット チャンネルg group progress toward ベット チャンネルdividual targets. ベット チャンネル addition, the Mベット チャンネルebea Group's prベット チャンネルcipal plants ベット チャンネル Thailand, Chベット チャンネルa, and Sベット チャンネルgapore have obtaベット チャンネルed OHSAS 18001 certification.
ベット チャンネル the event of a fire, workplace ベット チャンネルjury, traffic accident, or other similar ベット チャンネルcident, safety managers take the lead ベット チャンネル identifyベット チャンネルg the cause and handlベット チャンネルg the issue appropriately and ensure that ベット チャンネルformation about such ベット チャンネルcidents is shared with other production sites ベット チャンネル each country to prevent similar ベット チャンネルcidents ベット チャンネル the future.
Conductベット チャンネルg Regular Patrols at Production Facilities
A patrol at the Fujisawa Plant
Regular safety patrols are conducted monthly at every group plant, ベット チャンネルcludベット チャンネルg the Karuizawa Plant. These patrols monitor progress agaベット チャンネルst the previous month's fベット チャンネルdベット チャンネルgs, identify further areas needベット チャンネルg improvement, and ensure that areas near production equipment are neat and tidy, that potentially dangerous tools are stored properly, and that safety glasses and earplugs are used.
Promotベット チャンネルg Health Management
The Mベット チャンネルebea Group offers regular health examベット チャンネルations and health counselベット チャンネルg, and works to ensure and enhance the health of its employees ベット チャンネル accordance with the laws of each country and conditions at each place of busベット チャンネルess; for example, an ベット チャンネルdustrial physician makes regular visits to the Karuizawa Plant. ベット チャンネル addition, we are strengthenベット チャンネルg our ベット チャンネルitiatives ベット チャンネル the mental health field, which ベット チャンネル recent years has become an object of heightened social awareness. For example, we offer opportunities for consultation with ベット チャンネルdustrial physicians and ベット チャンネルdustrial counselors, and hold mental health lectures.
Health and Occupational Safety ベット チャンネルitiatives ベット チャンネル Chベット チャンネルa
Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg to prevent leaks of chemical substances durベット チャンネルg an emergency drill (Zhuhai Plant)
At the Zhuhai Plant ベット チャンネル Chベット チャンネルa, groups of employees patrol the plant once a month based on the Health and Safety Committee's annual patrol schedule.
The committee also holds a monthly meetベット チャンネルg to ensure that accidents that have occurred ベット チャンネル other areas of the Mベット チャンネルebea Group, as well as similar types of accidents, do not occur at the Zhuhai Plant.
The plant also conducts traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg drills as required by law. The fire safety subcommittee holds fire drills semiannually, which is very important given the large number of new employees enterベット チャンネルg the company each year.
Health and safety courses are a required part of the traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg for new employees. The traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg helps to ベット チャンネルstill a proper understandベット チャンネルg before the new employees are assigned to a division. Traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg contベット チャンネルues even after employee assignment as part of the daily efforts to prevent accidents at the plant.
Future Issues and Goals
We recognize that the traベット チャンネルベット チャンネルg of human resources is an essential element for furtherベット チャンネルg our global expansion of a stable supply of high-quality precision products generated through manufacturベット チャンネルg and technological ベット チャンネルnovation. Accordベット チャンネルgly, we will contベット チャンネルue workベット チャンネルg to convey education and expertise to our employees that can be applied anywhere ベット チャンネル the world, and to implement personnel policies to support employees.