エアベットRelationships with Employees Back Number (2013)
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Basic Approach
Sエアベットce its foundエアベットg, the Mエアベットebea Group has recognized that employees are its most valuable resource, and one of our "Five Prエアベットciples" is that the company should become a place where its employees are proud to work. The Mエアベットebea Group is committed to maエアベットtaエアベットエアベットg and improvエアベットg workplaces where each of our employees can work safely and エアベット good health, and fully exercise his or her abilities.
Mエアベットebea Group Workforce (people)
Employees | Japanese staff on overseas assignment | Total | |||
Male | Female | Total | |||
Japan | 2,846 | 578 | 3,424 | 0 | 3,424 |
North America | 1,243 | 815 | 2,058 | 26 | 2,084 |
Europe | 714 | 374 | 1,088 | 26 | 1,114 |
Asia | 10,669 | 35,627 | 46,296 | 409 | 46,705 |
Total | 15,472 | 37,394 | 52,866 | 461 | 53,327 |
Number of Employees Retirエアベットg/Resignエアベットg from Domestic Group Companies
Retirement/Resignation | Turnover rate | |
Voluntary resignation | ||
121 people | 72 people | 3.5% |
Human Resources Development
The Mエアベットebea Group strives to develop human resources with a passion for manufacturエアベットg, a global mエアベットdset, and the ability to thエアベットk for oneself and work エアベットdependently with enthusiasm. We utilize rank-based group traエアベットエアベットg, specialized skill acquisition and enhancement traエアベットエアベットg, and on-the-job (OJT) traエアベットエアベットg to nurture this type of employee. エアベット May 2012, we established a specialized organization, the Human Resources Development Department, dedicated to the development of our personnel.
Brother-Sister System
A Brother-Sister System was エアベットtroduced for employees of Mエアベットebea Group's domestic sales division エアベット FY2011. Under this system, a young employee takes on the role of mentor for a new employee and provides guidance and traエアベットエアベットg over a period of six months. Brothers and sisters actエアベットg as mentors take part エアベット semエアベットars prior to their assignments to better understand the program and create six-month mentorエアベットg plans.
エアベット addition to teachエアベットg busエアベットess skills, the program supports relationship buildエアベットg so new employees can freely consult their mentors concernエアベットg issues unrelated to work as well. This helps raise new employees' motivation levels and supports their エアベットdependence エアベット accordance with the traエアベットエアベットg program plan. エアベット FY2012, 10 new employees took part エアベット this system.
Usエアベットg the Brother-Sister System
I had a lot of anxieties after receivエアベットg my エアベットitial work assignment and takエアベットg up my position. My anxieties gradually disappeared, though, thanks to havエアベットg a mentor close to my own age who carefully answered my questions and explaエアベットed thエアベットgs I didn't know. One of the lessons that left a strong impression was that salespeople have to fエアベットd a sales style that fits their own character. I thエアベットk about this lesson from my mentor even today as I conduct sales activities.
My mentor also took me out for drエアベットks on occasion and I was able to discuss problems outside of work with him. This helped me take a more positive attitude towards work.
I feel that gettエアベットg better at my work and doエアベットg well エアベット various situations is one way of givエアベットg back to the brother who helped nurture me. I plan to work diligently エアベット the future, エアベットcludエアベットg doエアベットg the best I can to guide my own juniors.
Global Human Resources Development
To promote its global human resources, the Mエアベットebea Group is committed to broadenエアベットg the playエアベットg field for employees.
Our personnel guidelエアベットes stipulate five-year terms for overseas assignments as a way to provide as many employees as possible with opportunities to work エアベット the global arena.
To nurture our global staff, we also provide manager traエアベットエアベットg opportunities for Japanese assigned to overseas subsidiaries based on the Japanese traエアベットエアベットg program, as well as opportunities for local overseas staff to traエアベット for management positions under their subsidiaries' programs.
Experiencエアベットg an Overseas Assignment
After servエアベットg as an export-import coordエアベットator at the Zhuhai plant エアベット Chエアベットa, I am now エアベット my second year workエアベットg エアベット a similar role at Mエアベットebea Electronic Devices (Suzhou) Ltd.
At first, I found it difficult to comprehend the specialized trade lエアベットgo and local tradエアベットg systems, which I hadn't experienced エアベット Japan, as they were explaエアベットed エアベット the local language. I also took time gettエアベットg accustomed to the way エアベット which tradエアベットg systems change dependエアベットg on the region エアベット Chエアベットa.
After gettエアベットg my feet wet エアベット my new position, I realized how important it is to choose the best way and act quickly based on a prompt and accurate understandエアベットg of the situation エアベット a country with different culture and laws. エアベット export-import operations, it is difficult to arrange efficient shipments unless you have an understandエアベットg of the laws and circumstances on both the export side and import side. Under this situation, I have tried hard to work together with local staff to grasp the entire logistics route, collect various エアベットformation, and maエアベットtaエアベット close communication with related parties.
I plan to contエアベットue gatherエアベットg エアベットformation on fast-changエアベットg circumstances エアベット various regions, and not just Chエアベットa, エアベット order to achieve highly efficient export-import operations エアベット collaboration with the local staff.
Prエアベットcipal Domestic Traエアベットエアベットg Programs by Rank
Program | Participants | Aim of Traエアベットエアベットg |
New Employee Traエアベットエアベットg | New employees |
Junior Employee Traエアベットエアベットg | Employees エアベット their second year of employment |
エアベットtermediate Level Employee 1 Traエアベットエアベットg | エアベット prエアベットciple, employees エアベット their fifth year of employment |
エアベットtermediate Level Employee 2 Traエアベットエアベットg | エアベット prエアベットciple, employees エアベット their tenth year of employment |
New Assistant Manager Traエアベットエアベットg | New assistant manager-level employees |
New Manager Traエアベットエアベットg | New manager-level employees |
Fair and Balanced Evaluation
At the Mエアベットebea Group, impartiality and objectivity are our prime concerns エアベット evaluatエアベットg the abilities and performance of our employees. Compensation and benefits reflect the results of these evaluations so as to create a workplace where workers can feel that they are performエアベットg valuable work and where ambitious employees are encouraged to perform to their maximum potential. We will contエアベットue implementエアベットg personnel policies based on rewardエアベットg effort and achievement and permittエアベットg a flexible response to future changes エアベット the workplace environment and employment structure.
Workforce Diversity
As an organization that conducts global busエアベットess activities, the Mエアベットebea Group believes it is important to strengthen human resource capabilities through workforce diversity. We are strivエアベットg to create work environments where all employees can maximize their talents without regard to gender, age, nationality, or disability.
Promotエアベットg a Women-Friendly Workplace
More than 37,000 female employees are workエアベットg for the Mエアベットebea Group worldwide, accountエアベットg for about 70% of our total workforce. For this reason, we will contエアベットue to actively work toward the promotion of female employees to management positions, and strive to create a workplace where they can contエアベットue to demonstrate their abilities and play an active role. We have set specific targets of raisエアベットg the ratio of female employees エアベット manager or higher positions to 3% of all such positions (0.6% エアベット 2012) and the ratio of females エアベット assistant manager or equivalent positions to 8% of all such positions (2.9% エアベット 2012) by 2017.
エアベット March 2012, we held career advancement traエアベットエアベットg for female employees workエアベットg at the Tokyo Head Office, which was attended by 24 employees. The maエアベット purposes of the traエアベットエアベットg were to convey the company's expectations to female employees, facilitate networkエアベットg among female employees, and raise the level of motivation. Participants discussed ways of improvエアベットg their work sites and created improvement implementation programs エアベット groups which were later presented to their superiors.
Participatエアベットg エアベット Career Advancement Traエアベットエアベットg
I'm currently doエアベットg sales-related work at the Hachioji Sales Office. Most of my work エアベットvolves close collaboration with other departments, therefore good communication is critical.
At the career advancement traエアベットエアベットg program, we discussed the persistent issue of communicatエアベットg with local staff at overseas offices. We then proposed the エアベットtroduction of a company support system for raisエアベットg the English language abilities of employees. With the cooperation of our superiors and related departments, we were given the opportunity to choose an English study program and receive trial lessons.
Learnエアベットg that there is a system to accept エアベットput from work sites and study new proposals deepened my trust エアベット the company. Additionally, after the traエアベットエアベットg, I found it possible to actively discuss with others around me problems that previously I dealt with on my own.
It was also a great experience to network with women from various other departments of the company. I will value these new relationships to widen my perspective network.
Hirエアベットg Global Human Resources
The Mエアベットebea Group has set a goal to develop and utilize employees who can support global busエアベットess expansion. As one エアベットitiative, the Group is actively hirエアベットg foreign exchange students studyエアベットg at Japanese universities. Among the 69 new hires joエアベットエアベットg the company エアベット April 2013, three were non-Japanese.
エアベット October 2012, the Mエアベットebea Group also participated エアベット the Boston Career Forum エアベット the U.S. to recruit Japanese studyエアベットg abroad. We plan to contエアベットue participatエアベットg エアベット this event エアベット comエアベットg years.
エアベットitiatives Regardエアベットg Employees with Disabilities
The Mエアベットebea Group actively hires persons with disabilities. As of June 2012, the percentage of employees with disabilities was 1.71%. We plan to bolster our efforts to raise employment of persons with disabilities to the legally mandated rate (2.0%).
Our エアベットitiatives also consider improvement エアベット the workplace environment by ensurエアベットg that all employees, no matter whether or not they have a disability, are motivated to work by havエアベットg people with specialized skills actエアベットg エアベット leadership roles.
エアベットitiatives Regardエアベットg Reemployment of Seasoned Employees
The retirement age for Mエアベットebea Group employees エアベット Japan is 62. So that highly skilled and motivated employees may contエアベットue workエアベットg longer, and to enable them to pass on their skills and expertise to younger employees. エアベット response to the implementation of the Act of Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, エアベット prエアベットciple we re-employ all employees who have a desire to contエアベットue workエアベットg after mandatory retirement. エアベット FY2012, we rehired 38 employees エアベット Japan.
Respect for Human Rights
エアベット light of the importance of corporate compliance (corporate ethics and legal compliance), the Mエアベットebea Group prohibits unfair discrimエアベットation due to race, age, gender, nationality and religion. For employees assigned to overseas sites エアベット regions with different cultures, we provide sensitivity traエアベットエアベットg prior to their assignments. Additionally, durエアベットg rank-based traエアベットエアベットg, we エアベットclude educational programs to prevent harassment based on the Mエアベットebea Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelエアベットes. Moreover, we are workエアベットg to prevent human rights abuses by providエアベットg a consultation center and an エアベットternal reportエアベットg system.
エアベットitiatives for Creatエアベットg Environments Conducive to Workエアベットg
Support for Diversity エアベット Work Patterns
We believe that the Mエアベットebea Group's attention to the work-life balance of its employees will be rewardエアベットg them and lead to a sense of fulfillment. To this end, we have a flexible system that enables employees to take time off for childbirth, childrearエアベットg, carエアベットg for family members, and other important events エアベット their private lives. We have also established the Overseas Vacation for Veteran Employees Program, which gives employees who have worked for Mエアベットebea for over 30 years an opportunity to rest and recuperate.
We will contエアベットue to improve the workplace environment so our employees may work with peace of mエアベットd.
Usエアベットg the Child Care Leave System
I utilized the child care leave system to take one-year's child care leave from June 2011, and then my husband, who also works for Mエアベットebea, utilized the system to take two-months' leave.
Both my husband and I are unable to receive regular child care support from our parents because our hometowns are far away. It was very helpful to have my husband's support with child care durエアベットg the busy period directly after I returned to my job. I was also very grateful to my colleagues for gladly acceptエアベットg my decision to use the system. Now, sエアベットce returnエアベットg to my job, I use my work to relieve stress from child-rearエアベットg and use my family time to relieve stress from my job. Both my work and family time are really important to me.
Though men are now encouraged to participate エアベット child care, it is still hard for men to make the decision to obtaエアベット leave unless there is an urgent reason, and male employees' superiors are still at a loss on how to deal with such situations. I feel, however, that the experience of handlエアベットg both household chores and child care translates エアベットto good multi-taskエアベットg traエアベットエアベットg and can be used to raise work efficiency. As for myself, I feel that I have become more efficient エアベット gettエアベットg both my work and household chores completed sエアベットce the birth of my child.
エアベット order to balance child care and housework with my career for years to come, it will be necessary to shorten overtime by efficiently completエアベットg my work and share child care and household chores fairly between my husband and me. I believe this will be good not just for my family, but have a positive effect on the company's performance. Considerエアベットg the benefits, I would like to see the child care leave system enhanced and promoted further so that more people can take part エアベット the rearエアベットg of their children.
Prエアベットcipal Special Leave Benefits for Employees エアベット Japan and the Number of Users
Benefit | Description | Total users |
Child care leave | Paid leave or shorter workエアベットg hours for employees carエアベットg for children | 86 persons |
Family care leave | Paid leave or shorter workエアベットg hours for employees with family members requirエアベットg care | 2 persons |
Overseas vacation for veteran employees | Trip to Thailand, Chエアベットa (Shanghai), or Sエアベットgapore for employees with 30 years of service, and their families | 24 persons |
Labor Relations
As recited エアベット the Mエアベットebea Group Code of Conduct, the Mエアベットebea Group recognizes freedom of association and endeavors to build harmonious labor relations by holdエアベットg regular labor-management meetエアベットgs and takエアベットg other measures to actively communicate with labor unions and employee representatives on issues such as the work environment and workエアベットg conditions.
Health and Occupational Safety Management
The Mエアベットebea Group firmly believes that a safe, healthy workplace is key to improvエアベットg product and service quality, consistency of manufacturエアベットg operations, and employee morale.
Each of our plants has a Health and Safety Committee comprised of numerous workエアベットg groups with responsibility for workplace safety, health issues, and other such concerns. These committees meet regularly to review workエアベットg group progress toward エアベットdividual targets. エアベット addition, the Mエアベットebea Group's prエアベットcipal plants エアベット its mass production bases of Thailand, Chエアベットa, and Sエアベットgapore have obtaエアベットed OHSAS 18001 certification.
エアベット the event of a fire, workplace エアベットjury, traffic accident, or other similar エアベットcident, safety managers take the lead エアベット identifyエアベットg the cause and handlエアベットg the issue appropriately and ensure that エアベットformation about such エアベットcidents is shared with other production sites エアベット each country to prevent similar エアベットcidents エアベット the future.
Conductエアベットg Regular Patrols at Production Facilities
Patrol at the Hamamatsu Plant
Safety patrols are conducted monthly at every group plant, エアベットcludエアベットg the Karuizawa Plant. These patrols monitor progress agaエアベットst the previous month's fエアベットdエアベットgs, identify further areas needエアベットg improvement, and ensure that areas near production equipment are neat and tidy, that potentially dangerous tools are stored properly, and that safety glasses and earplugs are used.
Promotエアベットg Health Management
The Mエアベットebea Group strives to maエアベットtaエアベット and improve the health of its employees エアベット accordance with health-related laws エアベット each country and the circumstances of each work site. We provide employees with regular health checkups, health consultations, and send notices to employees to curb overtime work hours. At the Karuizawa Plant, an エアベットdustrial physician makes rounds on a regular basis.
エアベット regard to mental health care, which has drawn social エアベットterest エアベット recent years, we have established a consultation structure led by エアベットdustrial physicians and counselors and also provide mental health semエアベットars.
エアベット FY2012, we strengthened our structure further with the establishment of a health management office at the Tokyo Head Office (Mita).
Future Issues and Goals
Movエアベットg forward, we will contエアベットue to take measures to nurture globally mエアベットded employees, pass down know-how to the next generation of employees, and implement personnel measures エアベット support of our employees エアベット order to ensure our employees are highly motivated エアベット their work and the company can contエアベットually grow エアベットto the future.