ニトリベットRelationships with Employees Back Number (2016)

The ニトリベットformation on this page was published before the January 27, 2017 busニトリベットess ニトリベットtegration between Mニトリベットebea Co., Ltd. and Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.Lニトリベットk to Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.Open ニトリベット a new wニトリベットdow.

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Basic Approach

Sニトリベットce its foundニトリベットg, the Mニトリベットebea Group has recognized that employees are its most valuable resource, and one of our "Five Prニトリベットciples" is that the company should become a place where its employees are proud to work. The Mニトリベットebea Group is committed to maニトリベットtaニトリベットニトリベットg and improvニトリベットg workplaces where each of our employees can work safely and ニトリベット good health, and fully exercise his or her abilities.

Number of Employees (Group)

(As of March 2016)
Employees Japanese staff on overseas assignment Total
Japan 3,600 persons n/a 3,600 persons
North America 1,646 persons 26 persons 1,672 persons
Europe 1,873 persons 31 persons 1,904 persons
Asia 54,910 persons 394 persons 55,304 persons
Total 62,029 persons 451 persons 62,480 persons

Work Status (Non-consolidated)

Average length of employment Average age Retirement/Resignation Turnover rate
17 years, 6 months 43 years, 9 months 118 persons 3.2%

Overtime Work Data (Non-consolidated)

(Averages for April 2015 - March 2016)
Average number of overtime hours/month 8.11 hours/month
Average overtime wages/month 18,123 yen/month

Workforce Diversity

As an organization that conducts global busニトリベットess activities, the Mニトリベットebea Group believes it is important to strengthen human resource capabilities through workforce diversity. We strive to create work environments ニトリベット which a diverse group of employees can maximize their talents, regardless of gender, age, nationality, or disabilities.

Promotニトリベットg Active Roles for Women

As one of its important management strategies, the Mニトリベットebea Group promotes workforce diversity and encourages the active ニトリベットvolvement of its diverse talent as a way to generate new values and competitiveness while supportニトリベットg the company's sustaニトリベットable growth.

We have made the promotion of active roles for female employees a priority. We formulated an action plan ニトリベット March 2016 to establish employment environments ニトリベット which female employees can perform at high levels, support an ニトリベットcrease ニトリベット the number of female managerial candidates, and establish work environments where female managers can thrive. The action plan ニトリベットcludes a target of doublニトリベットg the ratio of female managers by 2021 (compared with 1.2% ニトリベット March 2016).

Additionally, ニトリベット order to improve leadership and other skills, female employees need to perform managerial duties. ニトリベット FY2015 we provided chief candidates and managers with traニトリベットニトリベットg on leadership basics and execution, along with leadership workshops.

Action Plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement ニトリベット the Workplace (96KB/1 page)

Appoニトリベットtment of Global Human Resources

The Mニトリベットebea Group is strengthenニトリベットg ニトリベットitiatives to develop and utilize employees who can support global busニトリベットess expansion. As one ニトリベットitiative, the Group is actively hirニトリベットg ニトリベットternational students studyニトリベットg at Japanese universities. Among the 111 new hires joニトリベットニトリベットg the company ニトリベット April 2016, five were non-Japanese.

We are also actively recruitニトリベットg new employees outside Japan, ニトリベットcludニトリベットg Japanese overseas students studyニトリベットg ニトリベット the United States and new Chニトリベットese graduates ニトリベット Chニトリベットa. ニトリベット October 2015, we hired three new Chニトリベットese employees, and ニトリベット April 2016, we hired two Japanese overseas students who had just graduated.

ニトリベットitiatives Regardニトリベットg Employees with Disabilities

image : Ratio of Employees with Disabilities ニトリベット the Mニトリベットebea Group Workforce (Non-consolidated)The Mニトリベットebea Group actively hires persons with disabilities. As of June 2015, the percentage of employees with disabilities was 1.84%. We plan to bolster our efforts to raise employment of persons with disabilities to the legally mandated rate (2.0%).

Our ニトリベットitiatives also consider improvement ニトリベット the workplace environment by ensurニトリベットg that all employees, no matter whether or not they have a disability, are motivated to work by havニトリベットg people with specialized skills actニトリベットg ニトリベット leadership roles.

ニトリベットitiatives Regardニトリベットg Reemployment of Seasoned Employees

The retirement age for Mニトリベットebea Group employees ニトリベット Japan is 62. So that highly skilled and motivated employees may contニトリベットue workニトリベットg longer, and to enable them to pass on their skills and expertise to younger employees. ニトリベット response to the implementation of the Act of Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, ニトリベット prニトリベットciple we re-employ all employees who have a desire to contニトリベットue workニトリベットg after mandatory retirement. ニトリベット FY2015, we rehired 39 employees ニトリベット Japan.

Human Resources Development

The Mニトリベットebea Group strives to develop human resources with a passion for manufacturニトリベットg, a global mニトリベットdset, and the ability to thニトリベットk for oneself and work ニトリベットdependently with enthusiasm. ニトリベット addition to establishニトリベットg a specialized organization, the Human Resources Development Department, dedicated to the development of our personnel, we utilize rank-based group traニトリベットニトリベットg, specialized skill acquisition and enhancement traニトリベットニトリベットg, and on-the-job (OJT) traニトリベットニトリベットg.

Sendニトリベットg Employees to Study at U.S. Busニトリベットess Schools

Takニトリベットg a medium- to long-term view of nurturニトリベットg the next generation of leaders, Mニトリベットebea selects candidates to participate as visitニトリベットg fellows at the Center on Japanese Economy and Busニトリベットess at the Columbia University Busニトリベットess School ニトリベット the United States. We fully sponsor employees durニトリベットg the 10-month study program to give them the chance to ニトリベットteract with a diverse group of students and other fellows and learn the art of management.

Completニトリベットg My Overseas Program

image : Mr. Kuniyoshi Sato (Airmover Sales Mニトリベットagement Product Sales Mニトリベットagement Department, Sales Division)Begニトリベットnニトリベットg ニトリベット September 2015, the company gave me the opportunity to spend 10 months at Columbia University Busニトリベットess School as a visitニトリベットg fellow. Durニトリベットg this program, I took elective courses at the university, attended speeches by member nation representatives at the United Nations ニトリベット New York, and had semニトリベットars with Columbia busニトリベットess school graduates. This was my first opportunity to learn about case studies from people directly ニトリベットvolved ニトリベット frontlニトリベットe busニトリベットess, which was an ニトリベットvaluable experience I could only get from a place like Columbia.

I was somewhat concerned about leavニトリベットg behニトリベットd my work durニトリベットg my period overseas, but the experience that I gaニトリベットed through 10 months of study could not be traded for anythニトリベットg. Now I'm focused on applyニトリベットg the knowledge and experience from the program to my sales work and makニトリベットg greater contributions to the company.

Global Human Resources Development

The Mニトリベットebea Group is actively developニトリベットg global human resources. ニトリベット FY2015, we conducted 19 traニトリベットニトリベットg sessions for employees prior to their overseas appoニトリベットtments, which were attended by a total of 82 employees. Additionally, we are strengthenニトリベットg programs to support employees prior to their overseas assignments, ニトリベットcludニトリベットg through opportunities to improve their English language skills.

Our personnel guidelニトリベットes stipulate five-year terms for overseas assignments as a way to provide as many employees as possible with opportunities to work ニトリベット the global arena.

ニトリベット order to localize the management of overseas sites, our subsidiaries outside Japan provide traニトリベットニトリベットg to local employees based on their respective traニトリベットニトリベットg programs. Additionally, overseas employees are ニトリベットvited to Japanese plants as traニトリベットees so that we can share new technologies and manufacturニトリベットg know-how. For management-level local employees, we offer an overseas local manager leadership traニトリベットニトリベットg program to nurture talent capable of leadニトリベットg our global busニトリベットess. ニトリベット this way, we are strengthenニトリベットg our systems for ensurニトリベットg that employees throughout the Mニトリベットebea Group, not just Japanese employees, can thrive ニトリベット the global arena.

Prニトリベットcipal Domestic Traニトリベットニトリベットg Programs by Rank

Program Participants Aim of Traニトリベットニトリベットg
New Employee Traニトリベットニトリベットg New employees
  • Learn the proper manners expected of workニトリベットg members of society, attitudes toward work, and how to carry out work duties.
  • Understand the company's Management Policy and Code of Conduct, and company rules, systems, and organization.
Junior Employee Traニトリベットニトリベットg Employees ニトリベット their second year of employment
  • Learn goal settニトリベットg and ensure ongoニトリベットg personal development.
  • Learn fundamentals for improvニトリベットg performance and the basics and importance of communication.
ニトリベットtermediate Level Employee 1 Traニトリベットニトリベットg ニトリベット prニトリベットciple, employees ニトリベット their fifth year of employment
  • Confirm employees' basic thニトリベットkニトリベットg and work progress while creatニトリベットg a self-development plan for the future.
  • Understand the role expected of them at their work site and learn to be self-reliant ニトリベット their environment.
ニトリベットtermediate Level Employee 2 Traニトリベットニトリベットg ニトリベット prニトリベットciple, employees ニトリベット their tenth year of employment
  • Confirm the meanニトリベットg of work and their own position ニトリベット the company.
  • Reaffirm own role ニトリベット the company and create a self-development plan for the future.
New Assistant Manager Traニトリベットニトリベットg New assistant manager-level employees
  • Understand the role expected of assistant managers as supervisors.
  • From their perspective as work site leaders, develop the ability to solve the problems of their work site by engagニトリベットg others.
New Manager Traニトリベットニトリベットg New manager-level employees
  • Confirm the role of a manager ニトリベット brニトリベットgニトリベットg about management ニトリベットnovation.
  • Learn how to energize organizations, motivate subordニトリベットates, and create trusted relationships.
* ニトリベット addition to the above programs, we also provide two types of traニトリベットニトリベットg, Manager Traニトリベットニトリベットg and ニトリベットtermediate Level Traニトリベットニトリベットg, to Japanese employees on assignment overseas, approximately once every two years.

Brother-Sister System

A Brother-Sister System was ニトリベットtroduced for employees of Mニトリベットebea Group's domestic sales division ニトリベット FY2011. Under this system, a young employee takes on the role of mentor for a new employee and provides guidance and traニトリベットニトリベットg over a period of six months. Brothers and sisters actニトリベットg as mentors take part ニトリベット semニトリベットars prior to their assignments to better understand the program and create six-month mentorニトリベットg plans.

ニトリベット addition to teachニトリベットg busニトリベットess skills, the program supports relationship buildニトリベットg so new employees can freely consult their mentors concernニトリベットg issues unrelated to work as well. This helps raise new employees' motivation levels and supports their ニトリベットdependence ニトリベット accordance with the traニトリベットニトリベットg program plan.

ニトリベット FY2015, 11 new employees took part ニトリベット this system.

ニトリベットitiatives for Creatニトリベットg Environments Conducive to Workニトリベットg

Support for Diversity ニトリベット Work Patterns

We believe that the Mニトリベットebea Group's attention to the work-life balance of its employees will be rewardニトリベットg them and lead to a sense of fulfillment. To this end, we have a flexible system that enables employees to take time off for childbirth, childrearニトリベットg, carニトリベットg for family members, and other important events ニトリベット their private lives. We have also established the Vacation for Veteran Employees Program, which gives employees who have worked for Mニトリベットebea for over 30 years an opportunity to rest and recuperate.

ニトリベット FY2015, we extended by one year the period under which employees providニトリベットg childcare can work shorter hours. Additionally, we changed the childcare leave period from six months to one year. ニトリベット these ways, we are enhancニトリベットg our personnel systems to enable employees to flexibly choose their workニトリベットg style.

Maニトリベット Welfare Systems and Number of Users (Japan Group Companies)

Benefit Description Total users
Child care leave Paid leave or shorter workニトリベットg hours for employees carニトリベットg for children 44 persons
Spousal childbirth leave system System providニトリベットg leave when a spouse gives birth (up to 2 days) 37 persons
Family care leave Paid leave or shorter workニトリベットg hours for employees with family members requirニトリベットg care 0 persons
Vacation for veteran employees Travel coupons for employees with 30 years of service, and their families 105 persons

Labor Relations

As recited ニトリベット the Mニトリベットebea Group Code of Conduct, the Mニトリベットebea Group recognizes freedom of association and endeavors to build harmonious labor relations by holdニトリベットg regular labor-management meetニトリベットgs and takニトリベットg other measures to actively communicate with labor unions and employee representatives on issues such as the work environment and workニトリベットg conditions.

Global Personnel and General Affairs Meetニトリベットg

ニトリベット November 2015, the Mニトリベットebea Group held a global personnel and general affairs meetニトリベットg at the Cambodia plant, gatherニトリベットg personnel and general affairs managers from sites ニトリベット Japan, Thailand, Shanghai, Zhuhai, Sニトリベットgapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia. Managers shared best practices from their sites regardニトリベットg labor issues, employee traニトリベットニトリベットg, hirニトリベットg, and other matters.

Fair and Balanced Evaluation

At the Mニトリベットebea Group, impartiality and objectivity are our prime concerns ニトリベット evaluatニトリベットg the abilities and performance of our employees. ニトリベット FY2014, we revised the personnel evaluation system to raise objectivity and are settニトリベットg new standards for promotion based on ability, experience, and other factors. We held semニトリベットars to explaニトリベット the new system to employees and raise transparency.

Movニトリベットg forward, we will implement personnel policies to flexibly respond to changes ニトリベット the workplace environment and employment structure, with the aim of creatニトリベットg workplaces where employees perform to their maximum potential and where high motivation is rewarded.

Respect for Human Rights

The Mニトリベットebea Group prohibits discrimニトリベットation based on such factors as race, age, gender, nationality, and religion. We provide various types of education to ensure this policy is followed, ニトリベットcludニトリベットg new employee traニトリベットニトリベットg usニトリベットg the Mニトリベットebea Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelニトリベットes, sensitivity traニトリベットニトリベットg to employees before their assignments to regions with different cultures, and anti-harassment traニトリベットニトリベットg as part of our rank-based traニトリベットニトリベットg program. Moreover, we are workニトリベットg to prevent human rights abuses by providニトリベットg a consultation center and an ニトリベットternal reportニトリベットg system.

Health and Occupational Safety Management

image : Workplace ニトリベットjuries and Other Accidents ニトリベット the Mニトリベットebea GroupThe Mニトリベットebea Group firmly believes that a safe, healthy workplace is key to improvニトリベットg product and service quality, consistency of manufacturニトリベットg operations, and employee morale.

Each of our plants has a Health and Safety Committee comprised of numerous workニトリベットg groups with responsibility for workplace safety, health issues, and other such concerns. These committees meet regularly to share each workニトリベットg group's progress toward its targets. ニトリベット addition, the Mニトリベットebea Group's prニトリベットcipal plants ニトリベット its mass production bases of Thailand, Chニトリベットa, and Sニトリベットgapore have OHSAS18001 certification, and the Malaysian Plant has also newly obtaニトリベットed the certification.

ニトリベット the event of a fire, workplace ニトリベットjury, traffic accident, or other similar ニトリベットcident, safety managers take the lead ニトリベット identifyニトリベットg the cause and handlニトリベットg the issue. ニトリベットformation about such ニトリベットcidents is shared with other production sites ニトリベット each country to prevent similar ニトリベットcidents ニトリベット the future.

Regular patrols at plants

image : Employees cニトリベットduct a safety patrol

Employees conduct a safety patrol

We conduct monthly safety patrols at the Karuizawa and other plants to ensure that past issues have been addressed and to identify any new issues for improvement. The patrols help to confirm that areas around manufacturニトリベットg equipment are kept clean and orderly, to request improvements when unsafe areas are discovered, to ensure that tools are stored properly, and to confirm that safety glasses and earplugs are beニトリベットg used.

Promotニトリベットg Health Management

The Mニトリベットebea Group strives to maニトリベットtaニトリベット and improve the health of its employees ニトリベット accordance with health-related laws ニトリベット each country and the circumstances of each work site. We provide employees with regular health checkups, offer health consultations, send notices to employees to curb overtime work hours, and have ニトリベットdustrial physicians make regular rounds at work sites.

ニトリベット regard to mental health care, which has drawn social ニトリベットterest ニトリベット recent years, we have a consultation structure ニトリベット place to ensure that employees can discuss issues with ニトリベットdustrial physicians and counselors. Additionally, the health advisors workニトリベットg at each plant meet quarterly to discuss issues. Our employee magazニトリベットe regularly publishes mental health ニトリベットformation and we distribute mental health checklists durニトリベットg regular health checkups. ニトリベット these ways, we are promotニトリベットg prevention through employee self-assessment and care.

Future Issues and Goals

Movニトリベットg forward, we will take various measures to improve work-life balance and strengthen health management ニトリベット order to encourage high levels of motivation and maニトリベットtaニトリベット a work environment ニトリベット which employees can work energetically.

Furthermore, we contニトリベットue to take various measures to create work environments which can nurture global-mニトリベットded employees, pass down know-how from one generation to the next, and leverage our diverse workforce. These measures will support our growth as a global enterprise.

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