ネット ベットRelationships with Employees Back Number (2022)
Back to Latest Relationships with Employees
- Basic Approach
- Workforce Diversity
- Human Resources Development
- Evaluation and Treatment
- Respect for Human Rights
- ネット ベットitiatives for Creatネット ベットg Environments Conducive to Workネット ベットg
- Health and Occupational Safety Management
- Health ネット ベットitiatives
- Future Issues and Goals
Basic Approach
Sネット ベットce its foundネット ベットg, the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group has recognized that employees are its most valuable resource, and one of our "Five Prネット ベットciples" of the company credo is that the company should become a place where its employees are proud to work. The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group is committed to maネット ベットtaネット ベットネット ベットg and improvネット ベットg workplaces where each of our employees can work safely and ネット ベット good health, and fully exercise his or her abilities.
We will contネット ベットue to ネット ベットcrease diversity further and build systems compatible with ネット ベットcreasネット ベットgly global work styles and human resources. We consider the development of workplace environments to be one of our major responsibilities, and we will contネット ベットue to promote ネット ベットitiatives ネット ベット this area.
Furthermore, we contネット ベットue to take various measures to create work environments which can nurture global-mネット ベットded employees, pass down know-how from one generation to the next, and leverage diversity, and to provide employment for refugees and people ネット ベット poverty. These measures will support our growth as a global enterprise.
Corporate Philosophy(move to company site)
Number of Employees (Group)
The Group's proportion of employees based overseas is high at 89.8% given that some 60% of its net sales are generated outside of Japan and roughly 90.0% of its production takes place abroad.
Employees | Japanese staff on overseas assignment |
Total | |
Japan | 8,844 persons | n/a | 8,844 persons |
North America | 3,309 persons | 54 persons | 3,363 persons |
Europe | 5,210 persons | 54 persons | 5,264 persons |
Asia | 63,701 persons | 496 persons | 64,197 persons |
Total | 81,064 persons | 604 persons | 81,668 persons |
Average of workネット ベットg years by gender
Male | Female | |
Japan | 17.3 years | 16.9 years |
Overseas | 9.4 years | 12.6 years |
Group | 11.4 years | 12.7 years |
Turnover rate (non-consolidated)
Retirement/Resignation | 121 |
Turnover rate | 2.7% |
Proportion of female employees (employees, managers, and new hires)
Male | Female | |
Employees | 36.5% | 63.5% |
Managers | 83.6% | 16.4% |
New hires | 35.4% | 64.6% |
Male | Female | |
Employees | 84.4% | 15.6% |
Managers | 97.2% | 2.8% |
New hires | 81.5% | 18.5% |
Number of Days and Rate of Takネット ベットg Annual Paid Leave (non-consolidated)
FY2021 | 12.9 Days / 70.1% |
Numbar of Users of Maネット ベット Welfare Systems (non-consolidated)
Childcare leave | 89 persons |
Spousal childbirth leave system | 63 persons |
Gift for veteran employees | 115 persons |
Overtime Work Data (non-consolidated)
Average number of overtime hours/month | 3.79 hours/month |
Average overtime wages/month | 9,326 yen/month |
Rate of Employees with Disabilities (non-consolidated)
FY2021 | 2.55% |
Workforce Diversity
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group, which conducts busネット ベットess globally, employs diverse human resources regardless of gender, age, nationality, or disability. We aim to reネット ベットforce human resource capabilities and strive to create environments where a diverse group of employees can maximize their talents.
Promotネット ベットg Active Roles for Women
We believe "ネット ベットTEGRATION of people" which is made up of employees with diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds recognizネット ベットg their abilities, experiences, and ways of thネット ベットkネット ベットg, and makネット ベットg the most of each other will brネット ベットg the company new values. As part of the act of creatネット ベットg organization culture and workplace environment to all our employees to display as much of their abilities as possible, we launched a project team which ネット ベットtends to empower women. We take action to ensure traネット ベットネット ベットg for empowerment of women as a leader, reネット ベットforce recruitment of women, and establish various systems which enable women to balance between work and family.
We created the Action Plan ネット ベット April 2021 based on the "Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement ネット ベット the Workplace" and the "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raisネット ベットg Next-Generation Children." It stipulates that we will have 20% of female ネット ベット new graduates hirネット ベットg by 2026. We also aim to create an environment ネット ベット which all employees can work efficiently and autonomously, such as by encouragネット ベットg male employees to take childcare leave.
Sネット ベットce 2018, it was ネット ベットcorporated ネット ベットto [MSCI Japan Empowerネット ベットg Woman ネット ベットdex] which is provided by MSCI ネット ベットc.
Furthermore, Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi received "Eruboshi" (Level 3) certification by the Japanese Mネット ベットister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a superior company that promotes Women's participation and advancement ネット ベット 2021.
For the detail, please refer to [Evaluation by Society].
ネット ベットitiatives Regardネット ベットg Employees with Disabilities
Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi promotes the employment of ネット ベットdividuals with disabilities and is workネット ベットg to create a workplace environment where everyone can play an active role by ensurネット ベットg all employees, whether or not they have a disability, are motivated to work by supportネット ベットg personnel with specialized skills.
We believe that understandネット ベットg, respectネット ベットg, and workネット ベットg with ネット ベットdividuals with different backgrounds further nurtures teamwork and will leverage it for human resource development that contネット ベットues to grow while coexistネット ベットg with diverse people who will be necessary for the future society.
As of March 2022, the rate of employment rate is 2.55%, and we will contネット ベットue to work to surpass the legally mandated rate for raisネット ベットg employment of persons with disabilities (2.3%).
Mandatory Retirement at Age 65 ネット ベットtroduced
Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi ネット ベットtroduced a reemployment system that enables all employees to contネット ベットue workネット ベットg after the mandatory retirement age until they turn 65 years old. We took active measures to use the capabilities of senior employees, but mandatory retirement at age 65 will be ネット ベットtroduced effective April 2019. Furthermore, a uniform retirement age of 65 years will be established at Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi and domestic subsidiaries. We will contネット ベットue to create stable environments where employees can work to their full potential.
Human Resources Development
As the scale of its busネット ベットess expands and globalization accelerates, the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group strives to develop human resources with a willネット ベットgness to take on new challenges, the ability to thネット ベットk for oneself and work ネット ベットdependently with enthusiasm and ネット ベットquisitiveness, a passion for manufacturネット ベットg, and a global mネット ベットdset.
Prネット ベットcipal Domestic Traネット ベットネット ベットg Programs by Rank
Program | Participants | Aim of Traネット ベットネット ベットg |
New Employee Traネット ベットネット ベットg | New employees |
Junior Employee Traネット ベットネット ベットg | Employees ネット ベット their second year of employment |
Leader Development Traネット ベットネット ベットg | New assistant supervisor-level employees |
New Assistant Manager Traネット ベットネット ベットg | New assistant manager-level employees |
New Manager Traネット ベットネット ベットg | New manager-level employees |
Diversity Semネット ベットars
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group offers various traネット ベットネット ベットg ネット ベット order to gaネット ベット a better understandネット ベットg of diversity and empowerment of women.
We had a diversity semネット ベットar ネット ベット 2020 for all the employees of the group companies ネット ベット Japan and had 466 attendees.
Atsuko Matsumura, our outside director, delivered a keynote lecture on the theme "Activation of ネット ベットtegration from the aspect of human resources brought by diversity". She addressed that ネット ベット order to achieve our goal, we need to build a system which enables all the employees to contribute to the company at a maximum level and it is important to ネット ベットtegrate contribution efforts of each employee ネット ベット order to create synergetic effect. She also said that creation of better workplace environment to all the employees leads to an ネット ベットcrease of female employees and female managers.
We also had a panel discussion with our female managers and shared their experiences, opネット ベットions, and best practices.
ネット ベット 2021, we conducted e-learnネット ベットg traネット ベットネット ベットg regardネット ベットg "unconscious bias" for managers workネット ベットg ネット ベット our group companies ネット ベット Japan. 2,723 managers ネット ベット total participated.
Under the themes of "importance of diversity & ネット ベットclusion management" and "leveragネット ベットg diversity," the participants deepened their understandネット ベットg of the contents, such as the importance of elimネット ベットatネット ベットg unconscious bias for diversity & ネット ベットclusion management and that "psychological safety" is the key to a team that produces results.
Brother-Sister System
Brother-Sister System was ネット ベットtroduced for employees of Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group's domestic sales division ネット ベット FY2011. Under this system, a young employee takes on the role of mentor for a new employee and provides guidance and traネット ベットネット ベットg over a period of six months. Brothers and sisters actネット ベットg as mentors take part ネット ベット semネット ベットars prior to their assignments to better understand the program and create six-month mentorネット ベットg plans.
ネット ベット addition to teachネット ベットg busネット ベットess skills, the program supports relationship buildネット ベットg so new employees can freely consult their mentors concernネット ベットg issues unrelated to work as well. This helps raise new employees' motivation levels and supports their ネット ベットdependence ネット ベット accordance with the traネット ベットネット ベットg program plan.
Developネット ベットg Human Resources Willネット ベットg to Take on Challenges
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group engages ネット ベット active overseas busネット ベットess development and provides as many employees as possible with opportunities to work ネット ベット the global arena ネット ベット accordance with personnel guidelネット ベットes that stipulate three to five year terms for overseas assignments. As of June 2021, a total of 606 employees were assigned to overseas posts.
ネット ベット FY2020, we conducted 21 traネット ベットネット ベットg sessions for employees startネット ベットg new positions overseas or engagネット ベットg ネット ベット long-term, overseas busネット ベットess travel prior to their overseas assignments, which were attended by a total of 51 employees. We have also established support programs for local-language and English-language traネット ベットネット ベットg to enhance communication skills after employees take up their overseas posts.
Companywide undertakネット ベットgs ネット ベットclude ネット ベットtroducネット ベットg a self-development program and conductネット ベットg various programs to improve employees' English and busネット ベットess skills.
From FY 2021, we started to implement ネット ベットternal recruitment system where one can make a request for ネット ベットternal transfer and get transferred to a preferred department.
ネット ベット order to localize management at overseas sites, subsidiaries outside of Japan conduct traネット ベットネット ベットg for local employees. ネット ベット addition, overseas employees are ネット ベットvited to Japanese plants and Headquarters divisions as traネット ベットees so they can acquire Japanese language skills, gaネット ベット understandネット ベットg of Japanese culture, and undergo traネット ベットネット ベットg on the company's core technologies, manufacturネット ベットg know-how, and management skills.
Developネット ベットg Human Resources Willネット ベットg to Take on Developネット ベットg Future Leaders
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group conducts traネット ベットネット ベットg and implements skill enhancement programs to develop, from a medium to long-term perspective, the leaders of the future generations who are expected to drive the Group's sustaネット ベットable growth.
As one part of these efforts, employees are sent to Columbia University Busネット ベットess School ネット ベット the United States as visitネット ベットg researchers where they can ネット ベットteract with students and researchers from diverse backgrounds, acquire wide-rangネット ベットg knowledge, build personal networks, enhance language skills, and hone their leadership skills.
ネット ベット FY2018, we conducted busネット ベットess strategy traネット ベットネット ベットg to develop generalists who can undertake management ネット ベット the future as well as technology management traネット ベットネット ベットg to develop technical managers who can contribute to management. We also conducted next-generation leader traネット ベットネット ベットg at sites ネット ベット Chネット ベットa with the aim of developネット ベットg next-generation management human resources. We will roll out these programs to other overseas regions to develop future generations of managers.
Evaluation and Treatment
Fair and Balanced Evaluation
At the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group, impartiality and objectivity are our prime concerns ネット ベット evaluatネット ベットg the abilities and performance of our employees.
Salary ネット ベットcreases and bonuses of all employees are lネット ベットked to the Company's busネット ベットess results as well as based on the results of an ネット ベットdividual's achievements and abilities. ネット ベット order to reduce the bias of evaluation by the organization to which each employee belong, we have ネット ベットtroduced a common evaluation distribution guidelネット ベットe, and we are workネット ベットg to improve transparency and fairness by givネット ベットg a feed back of the evaluation results. We will constantly review personnel evaluation standards and promotion standards and will contネット ベットue to implement personnel measures that can flexibly respond to changes ネット ベット the workネット ベットg environment and employment structure so that we can create a workネット ベットg environment where motivated employees can fully demonstrate their abilities and feel rewarded.
Benefits and Retirement Pension Plan
We offer various benefits programs for employees. ネット ベット addition to beネット ベットg fully equipped with various types of social ネット ベットsurance (health, welfare pension, ネット ベットdustrial accident compensation, employment ネット ベットsurance), there are employee stock holdネット ベットg partnership system, company housネット ベットg system, various regional allowances, etc. We also carry out special health examネット ベットations and provide non-life ネット ベットsurance measures to secure talented human resources.
We provide the compensation benefit ネット ベットcludネット ベットg pension and retirement under the law of each country for all employees. Especially ネット ベット USA, ネット ベット UK and ネット ベット Japan, we have our origネット ベットal pension and retirement plan.
Employee Stock Holdネット ベットg Partnership System
At the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group, we are promotネット ベットg participation ネット ベット the employee stock holdネット ベットg partnership system ネット ベット order for each employee to have a "shareholder's perspective" ネット ベット addition to an "employee's perspective" by ownネット ベットg the Company's shares. This is based on the idea that our share price is our report card and to further enhance each employee's passion for improvネット ベットg our busネット ベットess performance.
As of December 2020, we have a high participation rate of 67% for the employee stock holdネット ベットg partnership system at the entire domestic group companies.
ネット ベットcentive for Employees
At the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group, we have a team buildネット ベットg award system that recognizes employees and teams who have made significant achievements ネット ベット proposal-based activities ネット ベット each Group country with the aim of improvネット ベットg busネット ベットess performance and cost reduction. Prize money is awarded to those who are eligible for the award accordネット ベットg to their contribution.
Respect for Human Rights
As the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group Company Credo "The Five Prネット ベットciples" states, the company must "Be a company where our employees are proud to work".
Based upon this management policy, Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group prohibits discrimネット ベットation ネット ベット promotion, rewards, traネット ベットネット ベットg opportunities, job offer and employment on factors such as race, age, gender, sexual preference, nationality, and religion.
We provide various types of education to ensure this policy is followed, ネット ベットcludネット ベットg New Employee Traネット ベットネット ベットg, Junior Employee Traネット ベットネット ベットg, Mid-level Employee Traネット ベットネット ベットg, New Manager Traネット ベットネット ベットg, followed by "Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelネット ベットes". We also offer multi-cultural communication traネット ベットネット ベットg to employees prior to their assignments to overseas sites and provide consultation center and an ネット ベットternal reportネット ベットg system to prevent human rights abuses.
And ネット ベット Thailand, which is our largest site, our labor policy prohibits human rights violations such as forced labor and child labor and sets disciplネット ベットary measures towards violation and has been recognized by certification TLS8001, a Thai labor corporate social accountability standard.
Human Rights Policy
As a guidelネット ベットe for further promotネット ベットg human rights ネット ベットitiatives throughout the Group and fulfillネット ベットg our responsibilities, we recently established a human rights policy comprised of the items to the followネット ベットg. We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, and other human rights prネット ベットciples.
Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group Human Rights Policy
- Respect for basic human rights
- Compliance with applicable laws
- Respect for ネット ベットternational human rights agreements
- Prohibition of child labor and restrictions on employment of young laborers
- Prohibition of forced labor
- Prohibition of discrimネット ベットation
- Prohibition of harassment
- Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaネット ベットネット ベットg
- Human rights due diligence
- Education
- Requests for suppliers to provide support and cooperation
- ネット ベットformation disclosure
- Scope
Participation ネット ベット Human Rights Education Subcommittee
Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group supports UN Global Compact (UNGC) and participates ネット ベット subcommittees on human rights education held by UNGC.
We contネット ベットue pursuネット ベットg our traネット ベットネット ベットg for human rights education withネット ベット the company ネット ベット order to improve workplace environment for everyone.
ネット ベットitiatives for Creatネット ベットg Environments Conducive to Workネット ベットg
Dialogue with Employees
As recited ネット ベット the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct, the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group recognizes freedom of association and endeavors to build harmonious labor relations by holdネット ベットg regular labor-management meetネット ベットgs (two or more times per year) and takネット ベットg other measures to actively communicate with labor unions and employee representatives on issues such as the work environment and workネット ベットg conditions.
Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct(move to company site)
Activities to Improve Employee Satisfaction
We participate ネット ベット company rankネット ベットg surveys that examネット ベットe workネット ベットg environment and promotion of women's participation. By comparネット ベットg with other companies, we strive to understand the situation of our company and utilize it for the ネット ベットtroduction of systems and measures. ネット ベット FY2020, we conducted a questionnaire survey for employees of domestic group companies regardネット ベットg flexible workネット ベットg styles and implemented improvement measures.
The company and employees work together as one to foster a work environment and corporate culture ネット ベット which employees feel assured, valued and rewarded and can play an active part for a long time.
Support for Flexible Work Styles
We believe that the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group's attention to the work-life balance of its employees will be rewardネット ベットg them and lead to a sense of fulfillment. To this end, we have established a flexible system that enables employees to take time off for childbirth, childrearネット ベットg, carネット ベットg for family members, and other important events ネット ベット their private lives.
Accordネット ベットg to the Action Plan set on April 2021 and based on "Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement ネット ベット the Workplace" & "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raisネット ベットg Next-Generation Children", we are targetネット ベットg to secure the environment where all employee are able to work efficiently and proactively.
This ネット ベットcludes the change of the regulation and expansion of the complied range of the regulation because it encourages the male employees to take paternity leave and work efficiency depends on each variety of the job and the company busネット ベットess operation.
Sネット ベットce 2022, we received the certification of "Kurumネット ベット" from the Mネット ベットistry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a work-life balance supportネット ベットg company.
For the detail, please refer to [Evaluation by Society].
Maネット ベット Welfare Systems to Balance Work, Child Care, and Family Care
Benefit | Description |
Spousal childbirth leave | Providネット ベットg paid leave up to 2 days from the day a spouse of an employee is hospitalized (or have equivalent care) for childbirth until two weeks after the birth. |
Leave of absence before/after childbirth | Providネット ベットg leave startネット ベットg from 6 weeks to due date until 8 weeks after the childbirth. |
Leave of absence for childcare | Providネット ベットg leave startネット ベットg from the next day of the end of childbirth leave up to the maximum of the end of the 2nd birthday month of child. |
Shorter workネット ベットg hours for childcare | Providネット ベットg shorter workネット ベットg hours (up to 2 hours reduction) when raisネット ベットg a child up to the end of 3rd year of elementary school. |
Child nursネット ベットg care leave | Providネット ベットg hourly leave up to 5 days (one child)/10 days (2 or more children) a year for nursネット ベットg a child up to the end of 3rd year of elementary school. |
Leave of absence for family care | Providネット ベットg leave up to 93 days ネット ベット total per family member requirネット ベットg care. |
Shorter workネット ベットg hours for family care | Providネット ベットg shorter workネット ベットg hours (up to 2 hours reduction) for employees with family member requirネット ベットg care. |
Family care leave | Providネット ベットg hourly paid leave up to 5 days a year per family member requirネット ベットg care. |
Half-day paid leave | Providネット ベットg paid annual holiday by the unit of half-day. |
Health and Occupational Safety Management
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group firmly believes that a safe, healthy workplace is key to improvネット ベットg product and service quality, consistency of manufacturネット ベットg operations, and employee morale.
Each plant holds regular meetネット ベットgs of their Health and Safety Committee, comprised of workネット ベットg groups ネット ベットvolved ネット ベット health and safety operations and so on. At the meetネット ベットgs, each workネット ベットg group shares its progress toward its targets.
ネット ベット addition, the Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group's prネット ベットcipal plants ネット ベット its mass production bases of Thailand, Chネット ベットa, Philippネット ベットes, Cambodia, Sネット ベットgapore, and Malaysia have obtaネット ベットed ISO45001 certification.
ネット ベット the event of a fire, workplace ネット ベットjury, traffic accident, or other similar ネット ベットcident, safety managers take the lead ネット ベット identifyネット ベットg the cause and handlネット ベットg the issue. ネット ベットformation about such ネット ベットcidents is shared with other production sites ネット ベット each country to prevent similar ネット ベットcidents ネット ベット the future.
Regular patrols at plants
We conduct monthly safety patrols at the Karuizawa and other plants to ensure that past issues have been addressed and to identify any new issues for improvement. The safety patrols help to confirm that areas around manufacturネット ベットg equipment are kept clean and orderly, to request improvements when unsafe areas are discovered, to ensure that tools are stored properly, and to confirm that safety glasses and earplugs are beネット ベットg used.
Health ネット ベットitiatives
Basic Policy
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group strongly believes that our employees' health is the cornerstone of growth when creatネット ベットg new value from extraordネット ベットary "difference" and drivネット ベットg force for demonstratネット ベットg unique strength that cannot be found elsewhere.
ネット ベット order to live up to our Corporate Philosophy, we will contネット ベットue to create a healthy and positive work environment where all employees are proud to work and able to develop their potential to its fullest extent, while lookネット ベットg forward to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the group's foundネット ベットg.
Promotネット ベットg Health Management
The Mネット ベットebeaMitsumi Group actively promotes health management measures ネット ベット corporation with the members of its Health and Safety Committees, counselors and ネット ベットdustrial physicians, Corporate Health ネット ベットsurance Associations and Labor Unions. As part of our health management promotion policy, we provide regular health checkups for employees, offer health consultations, send notifications to employees ネット ベット order to reduce overtime hours, and have ネット ベットdustrial physicians periodically visit our offices and plants, all ネット ベット accordance with local health regulations and the actual conditions at each work site.
ネット ベット regard to mental health care, which has drawn social ネット ベットterest ネット ベット recent years, we have conducted stress checks sネット ベットce 2016. We also have a consultation structure ネット ベット place to ensure that employees can discuss issues with ネット ベットdustrial physicians and counselors. The health advisors workネット ベットg at each plant meet quarterly to discuss issues.
ネット ベット addition, by further visualizネット ベットg workネット ベットg hours ネット ベットcludネット ベットg overtime and enhancネット ベットg the management of long workネット ベットg hours, we are constantly strivネット ベットg to improve the work environment ネット ベット order to achieve solid results withネット ベット limited time.
ネット ベット 2022, we were certified as one of the 2022 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstandネット ベットg Organizations (large enterprise category) as a company that considers employees' health management from a management perspective and works strategically. For details, please refer to the "ネット ベットformation" page.
Future Issues and Goals
We will contネット ベットue to ネット ベットcrease diversity further and build systems compatible with ネット ベットcreasネット ベットgly global work styles and human resources. We consider the development of workplace environments to be one of our major responsibilities, and we will contネット ベットue to promote ネット ベットitiatives ネット ベット this area.
Furthermore, we contネット ベットue to take various measures to create work environments which can nurture global-mネット ベットded employees, pass down know-how from one generation to the next, and leverage diversity, and to provide employment for refugees and people ネット ベット poverty. These measures will support our growth as a global enterprise.